August 31, 1981


August 31, 1981

Dear Friends of the Intergalactic Command, Greetings from Daniel Amos and the 'Rebel' Base'!

We thank you all, dear ones, for the overwhelming barrage of cards and letters we have received recently concerning the new "!Alarma!" album and the D.A. ministries in particular. In the midst of the battle, your prayerful support and correspondence has been a great source of encouragement to us. To our 'old' friends; Hats off! Your faithfullness through the years is inspiring and again may we say, your prayers and supportive letters have kept us going through the 'bumpy' times. Please, please continue to write us as often as you are able. We welcome comments, criticisms prayer requests, theological dissertations, jokes, old Sgt. Barry Sadler records, etc. , and will do our best to respond in turn.

In this our first 'Newsletter', we will be reporting on some of the exciting things that are happening around the 'Base', and we hope that you will be as thrilled with what God is doing in the life of our little ministry as we are.

ITEM: Horrendous Disc released April 20th 1981. By now the 'hassles' with the 'Disc' have been fairly well publicised. Sooooooo .....let's all yawn on the count of three and thank the Lord for the trials. Actually, we still like this record, in spite of its three and a half year hold-up!

ITEM: February 6th 1980 'Rebel Base Productions' is born. 'Rebel Base', a production house owned and operated by Tom Howard and individual members of "Daniel Amos," is currently running in full gear. The newest album bearing the 'Rebel Base' logo is the brand new Randy Stonehill disc entitled: "Between the Glory and the Flame" on Word Records' Myrrh label. Producing the album is D.A.'s Terry Taylor (with Randy Stonehill) and doing the bulk of the playing on the tracks are the other D.A, boys; Ed, Jerry, and Marty.
This is Randy's very best album to date, and should be released in all probability before this newsletter reaches you.
Tom Howard, a gifted singer, songwriter and keyboardist whose first album "View from the Bridge" was well received by. both public and critic alike, is scheduled to have his second album released sometime toward the end of this year on the New Pax label. This too is a 'Rebel Base' production, with Terry and Tom sharing_production chores. The album, entitled: "Danger in Loving You", is truly a 'brilliant piece of work both artistically and ministerially.
We hope, as God allows, to bring you more and more good music in the days to come bearing the 'Rebel Base' logo. Our desire is for the 'Base' to represent the very finest that music and ministry has to offer. As well as producing 'established' artists we have begun an extensive search for 'new' talent - individuals or groups who have in common not only their Christianity, but the belief that artistic integrity is essential if one is to truly represent Jesus Christ in the realm of the arts. Pray for the 'Quest'.

ITEM: June 1st 1981, The New Benson Company releases the newest D.A. album "!Alarma!" on the New Pax label. Though lyrically and musically "controversial," "!Alarma!" has been extremely well received. We certainly appreciate your enthusiasm and trust you are anticipating (as we are) the next three albums which will complete the "Alarma Chronicles." We are in the planning stages for "DoppleGanger" the next in the series. This and all subsequent Daniel Amos albums will be released on our very own A.R.T. label ("!Alarma! Records and Tapes") and distributed by The New Benson Company.
Lord willing recording should start sometime at the end of this year, and all in all it should be a great musical and spiritual adventure.
We hope you too will take the journey with us. Again,keep this in prayer.

REMINDER: We realize that the packaging in "!Alarma!" is causing quite a 'stir'. After all, how many Christian albums do you know of that feature on its cover a group of people apparently normal in every way except that their eyes are missing?!! We want you all to be assured however that the cover photograph was not conceived out of a desire to 'shock' the Christian public, and we know that those of you who have really 'gotten into' the whole album realize that the cover is really quite complimentary to the total concept of "!Alarma!". With this in mind, we hope that you might share with some of your Christian friends that find "!Alarma!" not particularly to their liking, to listen closely a few more times before making a judgement and to read the "!Alarma! Chronicles" text which comes with the album. Some may still find the music foreign to their taste, but they certainly won't be able to dismiss or ignore the message.

ALSO: The "Daniel Amos Radio Special" will be circulating the country at the end of this year. Call your local Christian radio station and ask for air times. If your station is not airing the special, request that they do so. Tell your friends to Call as well. This is an important special in that it contains an interview with Terry which explains many of the concepts behind "!Alarma!" and gives some perspectives on the D.A. ministry.
Call today. We need your involvement!

ITEM: Personnel changes. Just recently we in Daniel Amos celebrated our seven year anniversary! God has certainly been faithful. Down through the years we have had our share of changes, not only spiritually but physically as well. What started out as a four piece country band, minus drums, then graduated to a 'six piece', heavy on drums and percussion, is now a band that's come full circle, (with a few differences.) We are now a four piece unit playing rock and roll(the cowboy hats have been burned in effigy and replaced by space helmets!).
Alex MacDougall and Mark Cook, both former D.A. members are currently involved in ministerial capacities. Alex works with 'M.R.C.' (The Ministry Resource Center) helping to among other things, advise new Christian artists and train them for the ministry. Mark is a youth pastor in the San Diego area, and is also very much involved in the music ministry. Both of these guys' onsiderable talent will be utilized on future 'Rebel Base' projects.
Tim Chandler is our newest D.A member and will be joining us on the Sept./October tour this year. Tim plays bass and replaces Marty Dieckmeyer who is currently attending school in the Orange County area (Southern California), seeking his Master's in engineering.

FINALLY: It is our conviction that "Daniel Amos" is a concept whose full realization does not rest entirefly upon the individual 'physical' make-up of the band. Members past and present are not expected to forever be physically bound to the 'concept' but instead totally and unequiviqually bound in all respects to Jesus Christ, and as a result it is expected that change will continue to occur with time. To be 'obedient' to our Lord is to be flexible; free to serve in whatever capacity He may call us to serve, and this too is in essence an integral part of the 'concept'. Through the changes come personal refinement. God is faithful. We count our ministry to you a great privilege, as well as a heavy responsibility. We could not and cannot continue without your support. Thank you again for your prayers. We look forward to a challenging future and the coming of our Lord.

Until next time, may God richly bless you all.

Love, Daniel Amos

DA will be hitting the road again in September and October. The band includes Terry Taylor on lead vocals and rhythm guitar, Jerry Chamberlain on lead guitar and backing vocals, Ed McTaggart on drums and backing vocals, and Tim Chandler on bass guitar. Wes Leathers and Derald Daugherty, our sound reinforcers, will head up the road crew.

Performances will contain tunes from "!Alarma!" and "Horrendous Disc."

Also included will be some unrecorded material we think you'll enjoy.

Hope to see you at the concert!

5th Denver, Colorado
6th Boulder, Colorado (Blue Note Club)
7th North Platte, Nebraska
11th Naperville, Illinois (Chicago area)
12th South Bend, Indiana (Notre Dame Univ.)
26th Point Loma College, SanDiego, California

2nd Medford, New Jersey
3rd Bay Shore, New York (Long Island)
5th-7th Nova Scotia, Canada
9th Providence, Road' Island (Barrington College)
10th Manchester, New Hampshire (Tremont Temple)
11th Syracuse, New York
13th Washington,, Pennsylvania
14th Grove City, Pennsylvania
16th Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
17th. Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania
18th Fenton, Michigan
19th Fenton, Michigan
20th Cleveland, Ohio
21st Columbus, Ohio
22nd Springfield, Illinois
24th Roseville, Minnesota (Twin-Cities)
25th Souix Falls, South Dakota
26th Souix City, Iowa
27th Kansas City, Missouri

*All concerts subject to change, check your local Christian book store or radio station for concert location and time.