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--- Just one CD please! (http://www.danielamos.com/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=1107)

Posted by Jim Muglia on 08-31-2002 at22:19:

  Just one CD please!


I'm going to ask everyone to recommend a CD that they enjoy, that we may wish to be aware of; BUT only list ONE, please, if possible.

The reason being, everytime there's a thread of "What are you listening to?", everyone always gives a mile-long post.

So, what is ONE cd that you are enjoying right now; and why is it good, or, put another way, why do you recommend it?

My recommendation: "Zoom", the latest from ELO, came out last summer, and is a very solid rock'n'roll album. Not as big a sound as the old ELO, much more mature lyrics, some excellent slide guitar work from Gerorge Harrison not too long before he died (the song, a very good one, is called "Long Time Gone"), some fine drumming from Ringo on a couple tracks, and many awesome Beatlesque hooks and melodies. In a nutshell, its a cd chock full of solid songs, and even some good and encouaraging songs. It took about 4 listens to get used to; but now I'm addicted. I find those to be the best kinds of albums: the ones that grow on you and sink in over time. Plus anytime Jeff Lynne releases something, you know its going to have somewhat of a Midas Touch to it, which "Zoom" certainly does, though its not as flashy an album as, say, "Out of the Blue". Has anyone else had the privilege of hearing "Zoom"?
You can hear the single "Alright" by going to http://www.elomusic.com/ and scrolling to the bottom of the News page for the Real Audio. Its a pretty good tune. I recommend the album. A 9.5 on a 10 scale, in my book. Its always great to hear a solid comeback from a good 70's band.

Anyhow, what is ONE cd that you are enjoying right now; and why do you recommend it?

Take care,

Posted by arcticsunburn on 08-31-2002 at23:48:


I think I posted this on the other end of the board, but I'm listening to Scary Monsters by David Bowie... It reminds me a lot of Doppelganger/Vox Humana (Scary Monsters was released before both). The guitar seems to be Hendrix inspired, which I also like. Pleased

Posted by BigDork on 08-31-2002 at23:50:


ok mine would be

Say Your Prayers

by Mike Roe

A must have for any 77s or MR fan!

I gave a review somewhere on this board, maybe I'll look it up.


Posted by wes berlin on 09-01-2002 at00:51:


cibo mato - "stereo type a"

Posted by Lost Canine on 09-01-2002 at01:34:


A kind friend recently sent me Uncle Terry's AF as a gift. I have heard many of you rave about this disc for months. I have listened to it over, and over, and over. What a wonderful recording it really is. I love the whit, the humor, the theology, and the sad lines. My own father is VERY ill right now with his liver disease. I am over 2000 miles away from him. AF is the disc that I need in my life at this very juncture. Thanks to that kind person, and thanks to Uncle Terry for such wisdom from the Father.

Posted by Joey T. on 09-01-2002 at01:47:


Right now it's Pink Floyd's Animals. If you don't like that, that's too bad.... Tongue

Posted by Gamgee on 09-01-2002 at10:29:


Bill Mallonee and the Vigilantes of Love: Audible Sigh

Posted by Lost Canine on 09-01-2002 at11:31:


Originally posted by wes berlin
cibo mato - "stereo type a"

I didn't even know who this was! I had to look them up on the net, but I like the sound.

Posted by Scrimshaw Nick on 09-01-2002 at13:49:


Originally posted by wes berlin
cibo mato - "stereo type a"

Hey Wes, I just checked them out on CD NOW and I must say, I likes what I hear. Where did you discover them?

Posted by Scrimshaw Nick on 09-01-2002 at13:56:


BTW right now I'm playing John Hiatt "Bring the Family"

Posted by wes berlin on 09-01-2002 at16:26:


Originally posted by Scrimshaw Nick
Originally posted by wes berlin
cibo mato - "stereo type a"

Hey Wes, I just checked them out on CD NOW and I must say, I likes what I hear. Where did you discover them?

a friend asked if i had heard them, and while i had heard of them (because of the sean lennon connection, he plays bass and sings bgvs) i hadn't heard their music until my friend reminded me to check them out.

so, i guess...from a friend Wink

Posted by wes berlin on 09-01-2002 at16:28:


Originally posted by Lost Canine
Originally posted by wes berlin
cibo mato - "stereo type a"

I didn't even know who this was! I had to look them up on the net, but I like the sound.


it's a very cool cd Smile

Posted by Andrew on 09-01-2002 at16:58:

  One Album hmmmm


deep thinking.


It's a pop rock brit rock sort of sound but I love it.

A kiwi band called "The Lad's" and their Lost at Sea album


I'm going to their concert this Saturday night in fact

Lost at sea is available at http://www.christiandisks.com

The song Alone really helped me let out a lot of my grief and fears a few months after my marriage break up.

Heres the lyrics and comments from the band:


(Ben writing) "Everybody wants to be loved, or at least liked anyway. We seem to have an in-bulit mechanism that requires someone else to tell us we're alright. Unfortunately, we tend not to offer anyone else the acceptance we crave, never knowing that they have the same needs we do.
This song is about a place of loneliness, where in a world of 6 billion people someone can still be utterly alone. The song offers some answers to this painful existense, answers to who we need to accept love from, and the benefits to be gained from the relationship.
Our increasing isolation from, and fear of, each other is familiar to most of the western world and is possibly why this song was used on "Dawson's Creek".

I am alone in the darkness
Can You hear me now
Are You the same
Or are You different somehow
Can You reach me

Can I be sure that You won’t hurt me
If I let You in
Are You the same
Or are You different somehow
Can I trust You

If I gave You my heart
If I gave You my soul
Would You take me apart
Would You make me whole

Do You know my name
When the tears fall are You there to feel the pain
Can You reach me here
Can You give me what I’m looking for
Can You take away the fear
Can I trust You

They say that You could come and meet me
Are You really there
Are You the same or are You different somehow
Can You love me

If I gave You my heart
If I gave You my soul
Would You take me apart
Would You make me whole


Posted by Mark on 09-01-2002 at20:07:


Twelfth Night - Live And Let Live

The singer is the Rev. Geoff Mann who died almost a decade ago. Twelfth Night is a progressive rock band. Think of Marillion, Pendragon, IQ. This is a live album but is a good overview of Twelfth Night. Geoff went on to have a solo career. This is one of my favorite bands. Most Twelfth Night and Geoff Mann CD's are hard to find. Live And Let Live is available. Here is a link:


Apparently it won't work if you click on this link, but if you type it, it does work.

Here are lyrics to a song:

The Ceiling Speaks

I am the ceiling
You are the floor above me
Rising into real
I am deceiving
You are the honesty I pray that I could feel
I am confusion
You are the thought that heals
Clarity of vision
I am delusions
You are the target struck
A shot of pure precision
And how I love you

Some may say it's all unreal
That's not the way I feel
My heartbeat dance and play
Nothing more to say...

How well you know me
How much you show me
As you lead me to my goal
Ferryman row me
Across deep waters of my soul
Where we can beachcomb


Trace the feeling back to source
Adopt a different kind of course
The change of heart
Another place to start
Secret steps are in your dance
The offer of a second chance

The site renewed
A clearer point of view
No longer need a careful plan
No longer be the also ran
I layed my life down
And I picked it up again
Along the way
I sing celebration
I sing for the new day
Now I know
So long as we're together
There's nowhere that we cannot go

I called your name
No words remained - enter!

I am delivered
I am a baby born into your sacred peace
I was a prisoner
You were the key
That opened locks for my release
And Christ I love you

Here's another song from Geoff Mann from the album Ministry Of The Interior. There is also a Geoff Mann tribute called Mannerisms A Celebration Of The Music Of Geoff Mann that is really good and also contains this song.

Down Here

Life and death are fought out on a screen
Words and pictures jostle there
But are not clearly seen
Selfishness and greed like driven rain
Soak into the pilgrim soul
Prepared to feel pain
Down Here...

Samples of the merchandise displayed
The killers tools the toys for fools
The thugs love to parade
Expenses in this business world are high
The average plan takes what it can
The rest must do or die
Down Here...

Time and time again we're torn
Between the world we're longing for
And the one in which we're born
Oh Lord can't you magic it alright?
Is there no answer?

...You say your love stands 'til the weather breaks
On the other side of the storm
You say it's mercy
That holds judgment back
That love prefers reform
All the promises you make
Are met in the bread we break
It's a crossroad onto which your shadow falls
Your love's not cheap at all

You say we see you in the Servant King
In whose sufferings we are healted
You say we need to turn around and see
The love we seek revealed
If we'll lower the shield of lies
If we'll drop all our disguise
You have shed forgiveness
Life-blood for us all
Your love's not cheap at all...

Desire to share must proclaim what is missed
The promise of your full embrace
For all who had you kissed
However often this world's lies are told
The power of your promise still holds
They make bold
They comfort and empower us
Where garbage sells as gold
Down Here...

Posted by John Foxe on 09-01-2002 at22:13:

  Zoom is good, and there's a DA connection

Yeah I had the privilege to hear Zoom. It's a decent recording with several songs I really like, such as Alright, Moment in Paradise, Stranger on a Quiet Street, Melting in the Sun. It was also good to see at least one old ELO musician play on a song (Richard Tandy). Overall several songs sounded like the ELO I knew years ago.

I wish, though, that the strings played a more significant part. In the 80's they moved away from strings to more of a synthesized sound (at least on their last three), although the music quality was still superb. For instance, I would say Secret Messages was an AWESOME recording with some incredible keys and guitar work - IMHO the best work they ever did - but where were the strings? Muted at best on 4 of the 10 songs. Why didn't they just change their name to the Electric Light Band?

The old ELO was truly visionary, so much so that they often had trouble in concerts miking the strings with the rest of the band. If Jeff ever does another, I wanna hear that fat string sound again when they had two cellists, a violinist, and Louis Clark conducting additional strings.

You know, Dr. Shore and others that are DA fanatics like ELO as well, which is interesting. I attribute some of that to the reason I'm in that camp: I like originality and unique sounds, and both DA and ELO provide that in different ways. One other group I'm still crazy about is Steely Dan, for similar reasons.

That's what I miss with the vast majority of the music that gets churned out these days that we still see with DA.

Anyone else see the same symmetry?

Posted by Kaf-N-8ed on 09-03-2002 at11:18:


I think if I had to pick oneandonlyone disc, it would have to be Berry Vest, because it really does have the Berry Vest songs on it...

pretty much...


Posted by jc on 09-03-2002 at11:25:

  right now?

Queen - a night at the opera
I burned it for a buddy- its on now
and have to admit
its about the sweetest, vaudillian, rockin (Death on two legs)
the CLASSIC B.R. is on it-
and Love of My Life is about as good a love song as there is-
Best friend (if you have ONE in life- you are blessed)

and theres a link- I'm in love with my car
makes you a MOTOR head!
Its one of my all time faves from 75 (like b4 MOST of you were born!)

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 09-03-2002 at11:55:


Emmylou Harris - The Wrecking Ball - Still one of my favorite CDs. The songwriting, the vocals, the music. Just plain cool.

Posted by jollyholiday on 09-03-2002 at16:37:

  wrecking ball is a phenomenal disc

My one disc is currently, "Running, Jumping, Standing Still," by Willie Murphy & Spider John Koerner. Released originally in 1969, this is one of the most innovative yet somehow at times still traditional style blues discs I've ever heard with clever and at times hilarious lyrics. Definately not for everyone, but a disc I'm sure most DA fans would resonate with it.

Posted by Jim Muglia on 09-03-2002 at17:49:

  this is graet!

Hey guys,

This is great limiting the discusion to one cd. I'm able to enjoy it thoroughly and get much more out of it that way. Usualy a favorite Cds thread goes somethings like:

"Well I got 5 CDs on my system right now. I play the Weird Al Yankovic when I feel silly; then I need to get really like dead serious so I switch to Pink Floyd's Final Cut. Usually I'm drinking a lipton Iced Tea, I like the regular better than the diet, although i could stand to lose a few pounds. Then I say 'y'know I think I like music to be funny and serious at the same time, so that's why I like DA for the thrid CD, to kinda balance out the two extremes, ha ha ha. I'm on a Buechner kick right now, although sometimes I'm in the mood for Avocado Faultline. Speaking of faultline that reminds of my poor aunt's kitty cat that lost its life in an earthquake by falling ito one. The thing always scratched too much anyhow, never really liked the clawed son of a gun. Oh yeah so uh the other CD is BB king Live at the Regal, although i've been meaning to intend to get into some of his older stuff, or was it some of his newer stuff, I forget? So the fifth one I'm into is a new band called Scuba Diver, which features my cloned twin brother's related tube's uncle's best friend's dog's original owner. They're a real hard style to define; but in one word, I'd say rapjazzsurfurbancontemporaryfolk. You can find it you fly to Mexico and are on the same flight as my stewardess cousin. Just mention my name and there may be a one in 2 million chance that she has a copy on her. If I remember her name I'll let you know, otherwise just keep asking the stewardesses if they know me. Hey sorry to be so brief and to the point but I have to go. I guess I'm just briefing for my ascent. hyuk hyuk hyuk."

So anyhow, I'm glad the posts aren't like that.

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