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Posted by Theo on 10-02-2003 at11:34:


Audiori, anybody?!?!? Has there been any recent talk of re-releasing Briefing for the Ascent?

As important as K&I has been to my life, Briefing seems to zero in on the subject matter even more deeply and I sure wish I had it around.

Posted by zippetydoodaddy on 10-02-2003 at11:52:


Ah. Briefing.

The first time I considered death.

The first time I sympathized with another's loss.

The first time I knew why we fear death.

The first time I knew I needn't fear.

I wish I had it here in the office.

I bought mine at RadRockers. It's been a couple years though. You may want to check there. (Just checked. Yep, it's there. $20 but a bargain at any price. It'll change your life. But try the Bible first.)

Love you Theo. Again, I have much to say about CAACONAA. And another hair brained idea, but I'll take the time to write it later.


Posted by jiminy on 10-02-2003 at12:16:


no hording hair brained ideas
share with the group!

Posted by zippetydoodaddy on 10-02-2003 at13:54:


Okay. I've been moved by ComeAsAChildOrNotAtAll several times over the last couple months. The message it carries weighs heavily on me. My Grandmother always said, "We don't know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future." And CAACONAA forces us to remember to cherish this unknown time period with our loved ones and specifically our kids.

I'm known as the most fun and childlike Dad among my friends, but time and again I catch myself ignoring and neglecting my own two wonderful kids. I can get so busy with the crap that comes along that, even in working for their good, I will put them second to the task.

The second song on CAACONAA, All The World To Me, is a snapshot of the Saturday morning kid ritual of trying not to wake the D(e)AD until the wanting and needing of his presence gets so bad that the yellow haired monkeys can't help but wriggle under the blankets and turn him out!! This is the moment that I live for. The moment when my selfishness is broken by their love and my love is enthusiastically accepted. I live for that moment but I rarely seek it out.

{Hair Brained Idea coming up}

I want to make a place where that moment is drawn out. I want parents to get away with their kids to an environment where they're not permitted to hold their kids at bay, where the details can't win, and both the parents and the kids are children.

I'm not talking about another Disneyland/Six Flags/Chuck E. Cheese. The details, stress, and mess that those places force on families is almost counterproductive to their supposed purpose. No, this place would almost be an adulthood rehab. Where a Dad can be willfully stripped of his addiction to work and details, and a Mom could be voluntarily kept from her drug of busy-ness. All the while, the power of their children to bring joy would be their safety net, their comfort, their recovery.



Rule #1 - Unless you come as little children, you are not welcome. We know this transition will be difficult. We know you find stress and frustration in the little things like rolling sleeping bags or tying hooks, but at CAMP CAACONAA these tasks are adventures that you and your kids will cherish together. Remember, the more time you spend on your petty frustration, the less time you have on this earth with your precious children.

Rule #2 - If you're tired, so are your kids. Stop what you're doing. Sit down under a tree and rest. Eat some food. Read a book with them. Soon you will all be refreshed and ready to enjoy more of CAMP CAACONAA together.

Rule #3 - Don't feed the bears. In other words, the stresses and anxieties that "bear" down on you back at home are not welcome here. If you are caught feeding them you are not feeding your relationship with your kids. These items are bear food and are not permitted at CAMP CAACONAA - cell phones, beepers, handheld computers, laptops, anything that reminds you of work, checkbooks, bills, etc. Leave them at home!

Rule #4 - Lights out is 9:00pm. This is late enough that the activities of the day will have you ready to lay down, but early enough that you and your kids will still have plenty to talk about. So tuck in, look up at the ceiling or the bunk above you and talk about anything and everything that comes to mind. If you are truly here as a child, (see Rule #1) you'll want to be the last one awake, so keep talking and keep listening. If you fall asleep first, the kids win, but they'll miss you.

Rule #5 - Pray. Pray that Christ will be the center of your life. Pray that your child will follow your example. Pray that you'll find the key to your child's heart here at CAMP CAACONA. Pray that you'll never lose that key. Pray that your child will find the key to your heart. Pray that you'll keep the lock accessible to the key and not cover it and hide it from your child. Pray that when the time comes to say goodbye to your child, you will have been wholly available to them.

Rule #6 - Love your child. Let your child love you.

It's an idea.

Posted by carl on 10-02-2003 at14:04:


And a good one it is.....

Posted by PuP on 10-02-2003 at14:31:


Sounds like bliss.

Where do I make reservations? I can have the family pack today!

Posted by dennis on 10-02-2003 at15:17:

  RE: Briefing

Originally posted by Theo
Audiori, anybody?!?!? Has there been any recent talk of re-releasing Briefing for the Ascent?

As important as K&I has been to my life, Briefing seems to zero in on the subject matter even more deeply and I sure wish I had it around.

I only have this one on tape! Crying

Posted by Sgt. Chandler on 10-02-2003 at16:37:


HA! That goofy Dennis only has this on tape!

Posted by DaLe on 10-02-2003 at16:49:


Originally posted by Sgt. Chandler
HA! That goofy Dennis only has this on tape!

Sgt. Chandler, rumor has it HiS wife Keeps a pretty short chain on his wallet... Shocked otherwise He would have it on CD Tongue

Posted by Sgt. Chandler on 10-02-2003 at16:57:


HA! Dennis has a short chain on his wallet!

Posted by jiminy on 10-02-2003 at17:02:


I really need a getaway at Camp CAACONAA
thanks (andI really mean that)
for -unhording-your thought-
its a grand one.
I literally believe in coming as a child to Jesus as EXACTLY what it means- stripped of all the (see Dennis or Bebb) ..er poopie in our adult lives and heads, and I believe that we NEED to be that way towards our children at times....
more oft than I do- or am..

bring it on-

(and thanks Theo-for the inspiration to start us thinkin more that way...)


Posted by Theo on 10-02-2003 at19:39:


Zippidy, my man! Wow! WHAT A THOUGHT!
Well, half-a-great-thought (as Bing says in White Christmas). I've got some to add to it and perhaps we could actually stage two or three of these as retreats around the country (Oregon's Camp Winema, Nashville and perhaps NY). Let's squawk at each other on email.

PS: Note how I didn't turn it to email directly, but was forthcoming, to a degree, with the scheming! Lord love ya, Jiminy!

Posted by zippetydoodaddy on 10-02-2003 at19:51:


I'm glad you like it. I've already got some wheels moving down here.

Posted by Theo on 10-03-2003 at00:49:


me soon, Zip. We'll talk and scheme! Big Grin

Posted by dennis on 10-03-2003 at08:31:

Originally posted by DaLe uReViG
Originally posted by Sgt. Chandler
HA! That goofy Dennis only has this on tape!

Sgt. Chandler, rumor has it HiS wife Keeps a pretty short chain on his wallet... Shocked otherwise He would have it on CD Tongue

Am I the one whose wife keeps a short chain on the wallet? Tongue

Posted by dennis on 10-03-2003 at08:34:


Originally posted by DaLe uReViG
Originally posted by Sgt. Chandler
HA! That goofy Dennis only has this on tape!

Sgt. Chandler, rumor has it HiS wife Keeps a pretty short chain on his wallet... Shocked otherwise He would have it on CD Tongue

I was not quite into the "CD Revolutiuon" when I bought this one! Roll Eyes

I think it's the only TST/SE/DA stuff I don't own on CD. I do have some songs on other CDs though, MFT and the best of TST.

What can you do? Tongue

Posted by DaLe on 10-03-2003 at08:39:


Originally posted by dennis
Originally posted by DaLe uReViG
Originally posted by Sgt. Chandler
HA! That goofy Dennis only has this on tape!

Sgt. Chandler, rumor has it HiS wife Keeps a pretty short chain on his wallet... Shocked otherwise He would have it on CD Tongue

Am I the one whose wife keeps a short chain on the wallet? Tongue

o.k. o.k. that is me & MiNe,

p.s. I was just thinking Sgt. Chandler WaS your wife Confused I have not seen that name here before? so, anyway... thats all... Roll Eyes

Posted by dennis on 10-03-2003 at08:51:


Originally posted by DaLe uReViG
Originally posted by dennis
Originally posted by DaLe uReViG
Originally posted by Sgt. Chandler
HA! That goofy Dennis only has this on tape!

Sgt. Chandler, rumor has it HiS wife Keeps a pretty short chain on his wallet... Shocked otherwise He would have it on CD Tongue

Am I the one whose wife keeps a short chain on the wallet? Tongue

o.k. o.k. that is me & MiNe,

p.s. I was just thinking Sgt. Chandler WaS your wife Confused I have not seen that name here before? so, anyway... thats all... Roll Eyes

I know who Sgt. Chandler is, but I won't blow his cover! Wink

Needless to say, it ain't Patti! Pleased

Posted by dorfsmith on 10-03-2003 at10:30:


Briefing is a great CD. I bought mine at Radrockers for $8.00 a few years ago. If you don't have it on CD hurry up and get a copy before they are gone and you have to wait a million years for a reissue.

Posted by jamespop on 10-06-2003 at15:07:

  RE: Wow!

Originally posted by Theo
Zippidy, my man! Wow! WHAT A THOUGHT!
Well, half-a-great-thought (as Bing says in White Christmas). I've got some to add to it and perhaps we could actually stage two or three of these as retreats around the country (Oregon's Camp Winema, Nashville and perhaps NY). Let's squawk at each other on email.

PS: Note how I didn't turn it to email directly, but was forthcoming, to a degree, with the scheming! Lord love ya, Jiminy!

This is a great idea! I live two hours north of Nasville (for now). It's exactly what I need sometimes (a lot of the times).

Of course, we'd have to have the dogs (cllectivlely or singularly) as well as some of the other CAACONAA artists to provide the music for this (maybe - maybe we just need to play a big game of hide 'n' seek of flag football with 'em).

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