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Posted by Dr. Sticky on 07-28-2002 at09:50:

  I'm just a little proud of myself

I'm at the radio station doing my show and i just played two songs together that i'm really proud of. Since i didn't get Making God Smile like I was supposed to (Fed-Ex lost the package and then found it three days later on Friday), I played "Wouldn't It Be Nice" from Pet Sounds and then followed that up with "Lovely Lilly Lou" from "Little, Big". It was perfect. I do believe God smiled on that one.

I really didn't care much for Little, Big when I first listened to it (except that the arrangement on the title track is brilliant), but it's really starting to grow on me...in the 24 hours that i've had it.

Posted by audiori on 07-28-2002 at21:15:


Yes, its different. But I think I like it just because
I know who some of the songs are about.. actual people Terry knows.. actual real life experiences of his.

A song about Rob Watson and his wife, I can almost picture
Terry going up to see them and probably working on songs
or joking around and talking.

Then the songs about his family, I can relate. Very simple songs, and sort of glimpses into Terry's everyday life.
That makes me appreciate them even more, since it makes me
think about my own everyday circumstances.

jason t

Posted by Dr. Sticky on 07-29-2002 at06:58:


Originally posted by audiori

That makes me appreciate them even more, since it makes me
think about my own everyday circumstances.

yes, i totally agree with that. i listened to the last song while i was out driving and it made me want to go home and kiss my wife.

I deal with depression alot and Terry has an incredible talent for writing depressing songs that sort of make me sad, but it's not a hopeless-sad. It's more of a make-me-appreciate-my-life sad. (does that make sense) The song that comes to mind is "My Hand to God", which i still can't listen to. It still makes me cry. "Papa Danced" is another one.

Terry is an incredible songwriter and plays with an incredible group of musicians who are talented enough to bring life to his music. Even if i don't completely enjoy something he does, i appreciate the honesty in the music. I will never spew back his music to the bookstore.

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