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Posted by BigDork on 02-10-2004 at19:16:


Originally posted by Stuart Pedasso
You're confused, I can get my gonch out of my crack, and now I'm finding that my alias isn't as bullet proof as it should be. Bloody hell - er heck, allow me to pretend that Stu is real. BDasso must have me confused with someone else who is tall and thinks that the big guy who plays the obnoxious fiance isn't that obnoxious.

I'm sorry Mr Pedasso, I did get you confused with the wonderful Mr Tall for a moment. I have since edited....

My younger son argrees with the tall one about the obnoxious one.

Originally posted by Stuart Pedasso
As to the extra vowels ... I'm honoured to think that my neighbours to the south feel they have most favoured nation status and are the true centre of the universe.

Now about Songs of the Heart. What the hell was that? Nothing at all like the Lost Dogs who I happen to like. That song Mexico was great, why can't Terry write more songs like that? HUH (is that American enough for ya?)

Yes we are the center of the universe, thank you.

SotH was by the band David Anus not the Lost Puppies so that's why it has a different sound..... come to think of it, most DA albums have a different sound from each other but that is another topic.

HUH is American enough for me.


Posted by BigDork on 02-10-2004 at19:35:


oh, and I would be less confused about you and the tall one if you had a picture of you instead of him in your signature....

Stuart Pedasso

Posted by Joey T. on 02-10-2004 at19:42:

Posted by BigDork on 02-10-2004 at19:49:


that's not stu, that's jed clampet. Tongue

Posted by DwDunphy on 02-10-2004 at20:30:

  I find many times...

...reviews of long collections of music often get a few people who can't quite get over the need to try out many different emotions. Does "Buechner" have moments of melancholy? Well, sure! Do you think "Flash In Your Eyes" should be a peppy dance number?

The truth is that the longer a release is, and the wider the thematic breadth is, the harder it becomes to pidgeonhole. So "Motorcycle" is the "most nostalgic", "Darn Floor Big Bite" is the most angular and "Bibleland" is the "angriest"... You can assign them to those discs and you're at least in the ballpark. But you have to work hard to back MBD in the corner, which is why it is my favorite.

As for the Bowie reference, I think it's mostly due to Terry's sing-speak delivery, which is odd. I would have claimed Lou Reed or Robbie Robertson more than David Bowie, but there you go. The reviewer obviously listened hard to the disc and he wrote a review that clearly defines his opinion of the disc. But I do believe that the assignment was a hard one and that may have caused the reviewer to recoil a bit.

Just an opinion.

Posted by Jevon the Tall on 02-10-2004 at23:41:


Interesting observation. It is a hard one to take in, and worth the effort.

Now to BDasso, where did you find that picture? That made me laugh pretty hard.

Hey, anyone else have the 7&7 is "More Miserable" disc? Now here's an interesting re-burp of a lot of songs, that Mike passed off as a solo album of sorts? If I'd not heard all of the other stuff I'd say "wow" what an album. But I can't help but feel the guy was grasping at straws.

(heh heh heh)

Posted by BigDork on 02-11-2004 at07:46:


Originally posted by Jevon the Tall

Hey, anyone else have the 7&7 is "More Miserable" disc?...
...I can't help but feel the guy was grasping at straws.

Roll Eyes

Posted by jiminy on 02-11-2004 at08:02:


I would agree with your Lou Reed comment
or even sort of a Lenord Cohen approach on some songs
and EVERY reviewer is opinionated- we know that

I did tend to think he was a bit smattered on his thoughts, and wanted to give Terry an overall good grade- so to speak....it was interesting.

BTW- Let me say in review,.. nah, just kidding.

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