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--- So, eh, let's say Camarillo asked you what you'd like to see from The Eddies (http://www.danielamos.com/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=5016)

Posted by audiori on 02-29-2004 at16:47:


Well, there is a difference between when something is supposed to
be bad and when it's not. The Dr Edward Daniel Taylor stuff is
supposed to be awful, thats the point. Much like Spittle And Phlegm,
there are watchable and enjoyable parts, but overall it's kinda
supposed to be bad. Thats the humor of it.

The Christmas message of Dr Edward is an example of where I believe
Terry saw it as one of those cheap cassettes churches sometimes put out..
the 'sermon' is crap, the Dr's message is way off base. It's supposed to be
bad. Thats kinda the point. "Sacred Cows" is along the same lines.
Some people like that humor and some don't.

But I think when Terry wants to do an album, he goes all out..
look at Buechners Dream.

Posted by Joey T. on 02-29-2004 at17:02:

spittle and phlem, sacred cows and the other dr. edt are funny though....
the Christmas cd isn't.......... Frown

Posted by audiori on 02-29-2004 at17:19:


... to a couple of people...

Posted by dorfsmith on 02-29-2004 at18:58:


I think its one of the funniest CD's ever!!! Tongue

Posted by carl on 03-01-2004 at08:21:


Originally posted by audiori
Well, there is a difference between when something is supposed to
be bad and when it's not. The Dr Edward Daniel Taylor stuff is
supposed to be awful, thats the point. Much like Spittle And Phlegm,
there are watchable and enjoyable parts, but overall it's kinda
supposed to be bad. Thats the humor of it.

The Christmas message of Dr Edward is an example of where I believe
Terry saw it as one of those cheap cassettes churches sometimes put out..
the 'sermon' is crap, the Dr's message is way off base. It's supposed to be
bad. Thats kinda the point. "Sacred Cows" is along the same lines.
Some people like that humor and some don't..

That's fair. Although there's funny bad and there's just plain stupid. Sacred Cows and original DEDT album are funny bad. Never seen Spittle & Phlegm, but it sounds like more of the same as above, which is fine. The recent DEDT releases, however, were just plain stupid. "I touch a fern..." was the ONLY funny thing between them.

But I think when Terry wants to do an album, he goes all out..
look at Buechners Dream..

Also fair, although MBD has never quite hit me the way it has others here. It sounds more like a greatest-hits CD that never quite comes together (although the "hits" in themselves are very good). I keep pulling it out once a month or so to see whether the whole thing's ever gonna click, and again, while I like a whole lot of the songs I never get that "gestalt" moment that makes me want to bang this up to the level of "great." You know what, though? If the next Eddies album is on that level I'd take it in a heartbeat (although I'd still be a bit disappointed).

But then there's Real Men Cry and the last two solo projects. I own 'em (actually, I don't have Little Big, although I've heard stuff from it), but I can't listen to 'em. I DID like the Towel quite a bit (I'd put it right alongside Gift Horse and probably bring it along more often for the atmosphere), but obviously an Eddies album wouldn't bear any resemblance to it.

It's just that I could easily argue that DA's best two albums were as the Eddies. Therefore, I'd just hate to see the legacy get screwed up just for the sake of saying "finally, a new Eddies album"....

from a different section of dallas, I guess

Posted by audiori on 03-01-2004 at09:12:


Originally posted by carl
That's fair. Although there's funny bad and there's just plain stupid. Sacred Cows and original DEDT album are funny bad. Never seen Spittle & Phlegm, but it sounds like more of the same as above, which is fine. The recent DEDT releases, however, were just plain stupid. "I touch a fern..." was the ONLY funny thing between them.

It's still a matter of opinion or taste. Some people see what
you see as just plain stupid as funny. Some people thought Sacred
Cows was just plain stupid, there was even one person who
sent it back to Tom Gulotta completely smashed. Yeah nice huh?
Some people are just so friendly and kind, they get angry about
what you see as funny bad.

The point is, there are going to be people that hate the stuff you like
and like the stuff you hate. Especially when it comes to humor.

And the same could be said for musical taste, just because you don't like
Buechners as much as the next guy doesn't matter really. Terry and the
guys can never make one album that everyone loves. Buechners
at this point is my favorite DA album. It's not yours, thats fine.
Everyone has their favorite Eddies album too.

Back to the point of the thread... what would people like to see
from the Swirling Eddies?

Posted by DwDunphy on 03-01-2004 at09:45:

  A quick comment on "MBD"

Buechner is my favorite DA because of the massive variety, spanning the band's entirety. I mean, after having been away for so long, it was nice to have that as a recap. In addition, what was disparate stylistically was infinitely more cohesive topically.

As if Buechner himself was laying out topic after topic and Terry wrote a song to address each, there are patterns that keep coming back throughout the set. Plus, "This Is The One" and "And So It Goes" are perfect bookends to a whole shelf of work. I can't express enough what I think of it...

But mostly what I want to see from The Eddies is a sort of anarchy I think we've all come to expect, tempered with a handful of more grounded but no less solid work. Re: "Billy Graham", "Driving In England", "Tiny Town" and "Hide The Beer..." are all on the same disc. "Catch That Angel", "What A World", "Big Guns" and "Ed Takes A Vacation" are all on a single disc. We want 'crazy' but 'balanced'.


Posted by carl on 03-01-2004 at09:53:


"Back to the point of the thread...."

Which I don't recall getting away from....

"what would people like to see from the Swirling Eddies?"

Something GOOD. Tongue

Although what Dunphy just said as I was typing this sums it up well enough. (re: the Eddies anyway -- we disagree on MBD, but I'm pretty sure at least our opinions and even our reservations and disappointments are still allowable here....) Who am I to tell them what musical style it oughta be? Let's Spin, Outdoor Elvis and my all-time favorite Zoom Daddy are three VERY different CDs, and the next CD oughta be just as different by that virtue. But I think Dunphy nails the approach/attitude itself -- which is the thread running through all of them -- pretty well.

My only concern -- and I think it's justified given my said opinions of recent material -- is that it doesn't become a self-parody party.

Posted by audiori on 03-01-2004 at10:04:


Personally, I hope or always hope to get something fun
but still rocking from the Eddies with an overall strange feeling
or sound.

Being surprised is part of it. Driving in England or Ive Got an Idea
are both pretty rocking songs, then there is the fun Hide the Beer
and Arthur Fhardys Yodeling Party. Zoom Daddy as a whole
is cool, it's different than Outdoor Elvis... but it's really strange
musically. I have a sort of nostalgia surrounding Let's Spin.
It sticks out in my mind really well, and to me always had a
Horrendous Disc feel to it. Similar in it's set up and length.
But I would not want to see a rehash of that album as much
as I like it.

Something new, but still fun and strange.

Posted by DwDunphy on 03-01-2004 at10:39:

  I still recall "Let's Spin"

...or more exactly, the contest surrounding it. Guess who the Eddies really are!

I kind of knew it was the guys upon hearing it, though the revelation knocked me back. "What? No more DA? That sucks!"

But I would never have guessed Dave Raven, so I would never have won Alarma Records' little contest thingy.

So there.

Posted by audiori on 03-01-2004 at11:03:


I about fell over when I saw the flyers concerning the
Let's Spin contest at the local Christian Bookstore.

They had in the past carried Daniel Amos records, but
had stopped carrying them in favor of more 'safe' music.

When I saw a stack of flyers there, I picked one up
and starting convulsing with laughter. Then I read it
and knew the store had no idea they were promoting
a 'DA' release.

Posted by John Foxe on 03-01-2004 at18:22:

  more attributes...

- danceable/catchy hooks
- lighthearted; serious message underneath
- sometimes moving
- sometimes just plain odd/different/weird
- one+ radio gems
- heavy Berger bass, distinct Arthur keys, Buckeye horns
- fan discs with extra goodies!

Posted by John Foxe on 03-01-2004 at18:24:

  Speaking of which...

If the store would stock some old Eddies stuff, I would buy in a second. I'm thinking of some items sold in that era, such as "hide the beer..." mugs.

Whaddaya think?

Posted by Joey T. on 03-01-2004 at18:45:

Cool RE: Speaking of which...

Posted by John Foxe on 03-01-2004 at23:46:


I'm salivating all over the keyboard...

Posted by audiori on 03-02-2004 at01:33:


Aye, we have the steins and coffee cups at the Cafe Press
store. They're pretty nice actually. We also have the weird
Eddies faces shirt available there (created by accident, if you
can believe it).

We'd love to bring Lets Spin! and Outdoor Elvis back somehow..
especially if a new Eddies album comes out. Just not sure how
to do it yet.

Posted by voxrob on 03-09-2004 at19:06:

  "it's _supposed_ to be bad..."

It's like standing up at a wedding and trying to make a "funny" toast to the bride and groom -- you better know you're really funny, because if it flops it really flops.

The Miracle Faith Telethon had some funny bits which were pretty good. However, it was the music that had me coming back to it -- the DEDT thing was there kind of to glue it all together into some wierd whole. After all, I can't imagine any "comedy" album that can be as audibly durable as a music album. Sometimes I would listen to the DEDT schpiel, sometimes not, but the tremendous variety of the album had me coming back. And there were varied, interesting things on it -- remixes, some older stuff that wasn't on CD yet, some newly recorded live cuts. Definitely a good release.

Yeah, I hope that the next SE release is something "good", whatever that means -- I know, something I will want to listen to over and over -- not just listen to once and say, "oh, they're doing that". All I know is that it's probably not going to be a record that makes a "big statement" because those are usually left for DA or TST releases -- or there might be a switcheroo and it will be some sort of "concept album". If we got on that subject, we could be here all day coming up with ideas.

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