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Posted by One Weigh Street on 03-18-2003 at18:01:


Originally posted by jiminy
I agree-

but I also agree IN IT ALL-
that sincere people come to know Jesus- even through clowns like___________(fill in the blank)
Theres a LOT of Evangelines out there
I could be decieved, but I believe
that I just got a healing (IN SPITE OF)...
cuz- I did.

You would probably never believe that I once gave money to Robert Tilton; but hey, we all came from somewhere. :-)

I guess because I once fell for that stuff before, that's why I'm not too overly-critical of the Tuxedo Clad Megastar and other people who are into that flavor of Christianity. Because I know that I was sincere at the time; I just needed some time to grow, and figure out how ridiculous much of the TV "ministries" are.

Posted by joey on 03-18-2003 at18:45:


Originally posted by One Weigh Street
Originally posted by jiminy
I agree-

but I also agree IN IT ALL-
that sincere people come to know Jesus- even through clowns like___________(fill in the blank)
Theres a LOT of Evangelines out there
I could be decieved, but I believe
that I just got a healing (IN SPITE OF)...
cuz- I did.

You would probably never believe that I once gave money to Robert Tilton; but hey, we all came from somewhere. :-)

I guess because I once fell for that stuff before, that's why I'm not too overly-critical of the Tuxedo Clad Megastar and other people who are into that flavor of Christianity. Because I know that I was sincere at the time; I just needed some time to grow, and figure out how ridiculous much of the TV "ministries" are.

Posted by jwaltb on 03-19-2003 at12:21:


I can relate, Jim. Pretty much where I came from (still attend a full gospel church) but alot of that stuff that went on under the guise of "Faith" teaching, etc. never sat well with me. I always had questions about some of the practices I've seen. But I don't believe you need to "throw out the baby with the bathwater". I've come to the point that in most churches you can find things you agree with and disagree with. You can also find those who are sincere in their faith and those who use it as means to an end (whatever that end may be). I am thankful for our pastor now who, while being an AOG minister, is honest enough from the pulpit to let it be known that he finds alot that goes on on The Bighair Network (etc.) just missing the point of the Gospel.


Originally posted by One Weigh Street
You would probably never believe that I once gave money to Robert Tilton; but hey, we all came from somewhere. :-)

I guess because I once fell for that stuff before, that's why I'm not too overly-critical of the Tuxedo Clad Megastar and other people who are into that flavor of Christianity. Because I know that I was sincere at the time; I just needed some time to grow, and figure out how ridiculous much of the TV "ministries" are.

Posted by jwaltb on 03-19-2003 at12:25:


[I]I am thankful for our pastor now who, while being an AOG minister, is honest enough from the pulpit to let it be known that he finds alot that goes on on The Bighair Network (etc.) just missing the point of the Gospel.

Can I quote myself without changing pseudonyms?? Smile Just wanted to say that's not the ONLY reason I think he's OK, but it's what seemed pertinent. Believe me, I've had a few years of the Big Warm Swede type and don't want to go there again!! Thank you Lord! Big Grin

Posted by carl on 03-19-2003 at12:40:

  I can dig it....

Originally posted by jwaltb
I am thankful for our pastor now who, while being an AOG minister, is honest enough from the pulpit to let it be known that he finds alot that goes on on The Bighair Network (etc.) just missing the point of the Gospel.

Can I quote myself without changing pseudonyms?? Smile Just wanted to say that's not the ONLY reason I think he's OK, but it's what seemed pertinent. Believe me, I've had a few years of the Big Warm Swede type and don't want to go there again!! Thank you Lord! Big Grin

As an AofG refugee (10 years of Big Warm Swedes in Terror a'Glowering), I can appreciate this. Nice to know there's a few of them not putting their "victory in Jesus" before their life in Christ. It was never their official doctrine that finally sent me packing, after all....

all the same, comfortable enough with the C&MA
to be studying to be one of their front men

Posted by carl on 03-19-2003 at12:48:


Aargh! Get that Quote button away from the Edit button! I rebuke this!

Posted by Carman on 03-19-2003 at13:14:


the good old days.... Big Grin

Originally posted by joey

Posted by One Weigh Street on 03-19-2003 at13:33:


Originally posted by jwaltb
I can relate, Jim. Pretty much where I came from (still attend a full gospel church) but alot of that stuff that went on under the guise of "Faith" teaching, etc. never sat well with me. I always had questions about some of the practices I've seen. But I don't believe you need to "throw out the baby with the bathwater". I've come to the point that in most churches you can find things you agree with and disagree with. You can also find those who are sincere in their faith and those who use it as means to an end (whatever that end may be). I am thankful for our pastor now who, while being an AOG minister, is honest enough from the pulpit to let it be known that he finds alot that goes on on The Bighair Network (etc.) just missing the point of the Gospel.

I started out RC, then did Church of God for 2 years, then Assemblies of God for 3 years, then back to RC for the last 9-10 years. I find many positive things about CofG and AofG.

Posted by Scrimshaw Nick on 03-19-2003 at14:57:


Speaking of different denominations, someone just sent me this joke in an email:

A Baptist preacher and his wife decided they needed a dog. Ever mindful of the congregation, they knew the dog must also be Baptist.

They visited an expensive kennel and explained their needs to the manager, who assured them he had just the dog for them. The dog was produced and the manager said, "Fetch the Bible." The dog bounded to the bookshelf, scrutinized the books, located the Bible, and brought it to the manager.

The manager then said, "Find Psalms 23." The dog, showing
marvelous dexterity with his paws, leafed through the Bible, found the correct passage, and pointed to it with his paw. Duly impressed, the couple purchased the dog.

That evening a group of parishioners came to visit. The preacher and his wife began to show off the dog, having him locate several Bible verses. The visitors were amazed. Finally, one man asked, "Can he do normal dog tricks too?"

"Let's see," said the preacher. Pointing his finger at the
dog, he commanded, "Heel!" The dog immediately jumped up on a
chair, placed one paw on the preacher's forehead, and began to howl.

The preacher turned to his wife and exclaimed, "Good grief,
we've bought a Pentecostal dog!"

Posted by .backs. on 03-19-2003 at16:04:


Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Posted by Woggy on 03-19-2003 at16:40:


Originally posted by carl

all the same, comfortable enough with the C&MA
to be studying to be one of their front men

my best friend's son is a C & MA preacher.............I love her church..............she's moving to Iowa..........don't know if there's a C&MA church near her...........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

ONE of the front men? Does that mean you get to be named Luigi or Guido?

Posted by jwaltb on 03-19-2003 at22:35:


Forgive my ignorance, but I have to ask..... what are the C&MA and RC? Confused Thanks,


Posted by carl on 03-20-2003 at07:43:


Originally posted by Scrimshaw Nick
The dog immediately jumped up on a
chair, placed one paw on the preacher's forehead, and began to howl.

The preacher turned to his wife and exclaimed, "Good grief,
we've bought a Pentecostal dog!"

First time he barked should've tipped him off.... Big Grin

Posted by carl on 03-20-2003 at07:46:


Originally posted by jwaltb
Forgive my ignorance, but I have to ask..... what are the C&MA and RC? Confused Thanks,


C&MA = Christian & Missionary Alliance

RC = Royal Crown. Like the cola. Was especially good when they had the lemon in it -- a good quarter-century before the whole Pepsi Twist thang started.... if only those danged Roman Catholics had supported it more back then we could've avoided the present soft-drink crisis.... Big Grin

Posted by carl on 03-20-2003 at07:49:


Originally posted by Woggy
Originally posted by carl
all the same, comfortable enough with the C&MA
to be studying to be one of their front men

my best friend's son is a C & MA preacher.............I love her church..............she's moving to Iowa..........don't know if there's a C&MA church near her...........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

ONE of the front men? Does that mean you get to be named Luigi or Guido?

Well, it DOES say we'll all be given a new name, right? Big Grin

(on a more serious note, use the link in the post above.... I'm sure there is.... we lost our original associate pastor (or more specifically, our plant money got cut off about 6 months in & he had to scramble for employment) to a little C&MA church near the Kansas-Nebraska border....)

Posted by jwaltb on 03-20-2003 at13:30:


C&MA = Christian & Missionary Alliance

RC = Royal Crown. Like the cola. Was especially good when they had the lemon in it -- a good quarter-century before the whole Pepsi Twist thang started.... if only those danged Roman Catholics had supported it more back then we could've avoided the present soft-drink crisis.... Big Grin

DARN! Man, where was I last night?? With all the RC's in this neck of the woods you'd think I woulda caught that one. Heck, my wife was raised that way. Actually Royal Crown is the only thing that made it through the fog.Tongue But the C&MA is a new one on me. I need to check that out. Thanks,


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