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Thread: On meeting your idols

Replies: 56
Views: 86,523
Confession 08-15-2007 22:35 Forum: General Discussion

Ok. I'll admit it.

I am a drummer and Steve has been a major influence in my life for MANY years. I've been whacking 'em for over 40 years and recognized his very serious talent on Wide Eyed and Kangaroo. I had been learning from Steve year after year with the release of each new CD.

Then, I got the email that the Choir was playing Little Rock. Too cool. I grabed my son and we headed out. Sure enough, we saw the Choir in a really sweet small place. They were GREAT! I spoke with the opening acts drummer and he warned me not to approach Steve "because he doesn't like to be touched or deal with fans". Obviously, I didn't believe that for a moment. Steve was a drummer! I'm a drummer. We are strange, bent, odd, and even obnoxious......but standoffish???? NEVER!

So, I really didn't pay attention to any of that. I figured that I could handle it. I wouldn't geek out. After all, I'm an adult and my 17 year old was with me. I had to be strong and stoic for his sake. Steve came out after the show and I waited patiently to speak with him. I spoke to Derri and made drummer jokes with him. That was the best. Then Steve became available and I walked over to him. That's when things got.....bad. I reached out and grabed him full force. I hugged the snot out of him. On hindsite, it was probably a bad decision. I rambled on about how much of an influence he has been on me as a drummer and how much I've enjoyed learning from studying his work. He had squinty eyes and mumbled something that could have been a thank you......or a lawyers name.....I'm not quite sure which. Anyway, my son teases me to this day about my geeking out. We all do things for our children. It's our lot in life as parents.

I still don't believe that garbage about Steve. I think he's one of the most rhythmically gifted individuals walking the land. But, he's probably changed his method of greeting fans after that show. So, if you have the opportunity to meet Steve and shoot the breeze and he appears "standoffish", don't fault him. It's definately my fault. I've freaked the guy out.

Part 2.
I recently found out that Marc Byrd's sister is our pastors wife! How cool is that! I have the video of that Choir show from Little Rock with Marc playing guitar. My son calls it the "Hugfest Show". Sometimes he gets on my nerves. I gave my pastor a copy of the DVD when Marc came to visit them a couple of weekends ago. The only consolation I have from all of this mess is that Marc and I have never formally met. That's probably a good thing......'cause I hear tell that he doesn't like it when guys kiss him on the cheek.

Thread: It's All About YOU....

Replies: 195
Views: 906,641
08-10-2007 14:52 Forum: General Discussion

I am voluntarily choosing to be somewhat serious here. I realize that these have been quite a lot of fun to read, but I am taking a different road. Hope you don't mind.

Michael Nicolosi (Actually, George Michael Nicolosi, but I don't like the juxtaposition of George and Michael. So, I don't usually admit to it.)

July 6, 1962 (but I fake birthdays at my work so that I can get more presents. That's not a joke. I really do. Most have caught on, but there are still a few weak-minded who persist. It's a blast! I highly recommend it.)

Houston, TX

Current Location:
Hot Springs Village, AR

Current Occupation:

Dream Occupation:
Retired teacher playing drums and staying involved in the kiddos lives.

Eye Color:

Hair Color:

6 ft 1 in

Right Handed or Left Handed:
Right (it's painful to watch me throw a ball with my left hand)

Your Heritage:
I don't know. My dad split when I was just a kid. I know his parents came from Italy, but that's about it.

Your Biggest Weakness:
My wife's smile. I am helpless when she flashes it. This year marks her 25th year of smiling at me. Woo-hoo!!!

Your Fears:

The Perfect Pizza:
Doesn't exist

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:
To be a successful teacher for the kiddos. I am working very hard to inspire.

Your Most Overused Phrase or word:
crap Music - anything EVER called crap could be removed and I would be just fine with that.

Morning person or Night Owl:
Mostly morning, but I can do both.

Your Best Physical Feature:
Doesn't exist

Your Most Missed Memory:
Major Matt Mason!!! Those toys ROCKED!!! I had literally every single item sold. They were stolen from our house when I was still a kid. I miss them terribly.

Pepsi or Coke:
I don't do soda

Favorite Fast Food:
I don't do fast food

Can You Cook:
Does a bear do its business in the woods?! Of course! I love to cook. I made Thai Shrimp Tom Yum Soup and fresh Spring Rolls just last night. They were amazing!

Chocolate or Vanilla:
Actually, I mix the two

Cappuccino or Coffee:
Both! And often!

Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello or the Marx Brothers:
Marx Brothers and Jerry Lewis. Who can resist Minnie's boys? I also like the Stooges. I could never get into Bud and Lou. It seemed to me the same schtick over and over again.

Number of hours that you normally watch TV in a single day:
I don't watch TV. I don't have TV and I will never have it. I saw nothing but sex, drugs, violence, and more sex - and that was just the commercials!!! It was sick. My young son was even offended. We immediately pulled it out of the house and have never looked back. That was quite a few years ago. I buy DVD's. That's it.

Favorite type of movie (Drama/comedy/action/documentary/etc):
Comedy!!! and documentary....and action.....and drama......and music......oh well. I like movies!

Letterman or Leno:
neither. don't do TV

Do you Smoke:
of course not!

Do you Sing:
of course not! I'm a drummer!

Do you Dance:
of course not! I'm a drummer!

Most unusual talent:
I can cold read just about anything and make it real. I'm not sure if that means I have the ability to be a great liar, or if it means I can act. Kinda scary when you think about it.

You like to regularly challenge yourself by:
pushing myself to learn something new. I'm always reaching out to learn.

Do you get Motion Sickness:
Not really. There was one time in the service when we were taking blue water over the flying bridge (about 100 ft above the waterline) off the coast of Greenland and I got a bit sick, but that's about it.

Are you a Health Freak:
Health - yes, Freak - absolutely!

Do/did you get along with your Parents:
My mom - yes. My dad split so I don't talk to him. I don't have a clue where he is.

Do you like Thunderstorms:
Love them. But I prefer snowstorms. There's something magical that happens when it snows. It can cover a junk yard and be beautiful. I lived in Buffalo and Sault Ste. Marie, so I have definately been around snow. I loved it and I miss it.

Do you play an Instrument:
Drums - since I was about 3 years old. If you care, my latest CD is available on iTunes and CD Baby. I was with a group called REV. The CD is called "nothing to see here". It was an interesting time.

Have you ever Stolen Anything:
Lots. I was in a gang when I was much younger. I stole lots of stuff. That was another life. That person is dead now and I am in GOD's family! So, I guess the answer would be "no". I have not stolen.

Have You Ever been Beaten up:
of course, and I've beaten others up. Wait. That's not right. I'm not that guy anymore. This is all so confusing.

What do you want to be when you Grow Up:
a kid again (ask my wife and she will say that I will never grow up)

What country would you most like to Visit:
a FREE America that finally lacks the influence of the radical left California based regime (wow, I can't believe I'm actually that politically minded! That just sort of flew out. Oh well. I guess you never really know yourself.)

Number of CDs I own:
well over 5000 (well over half of them are secular and I don't listen to them anymore. I will more than likely throw them away. This has been a rather recent development in my growth. GOD is always working, polishing, and refining who we are. Praise HIM for never quiting on us....no matter how imperfect we are.)

Number of Piercings:
3 (in my ears from a previous life)

Number of Tattoos:
one very sweet tatoo hidden under my sleeve on my right arm of a wooden cross, a crown of thorns, and my favorite verse - "HE alone is my rock and my salvation. HE is my fortress. I will never be shaken."

Number of Message Board Alliases:
I'm not cool enough to have an alias. I use my real name. How dweeby is that?!

The Greatest Rock Band in History Is:
Doesn't Exist!

The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was:
ALL of The Beatles and The Kinks LP's. (I even had the imports and bootlegs. I was/am a bit anal about music.) I have since been delivered from secular music, though. I don't listen to any of them, now. I only listen to music that makes GOD smile.
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