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Thread: Terry's new solo album
brother joel

Replies: 37
Views: 1,110,969
My package arrived 04-28-2022 21:35 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I have received the CD, booklet, and t-shirt in the mail! The artwork beautifully and mysteriously captures the mood of the music! I also really appreciate the t-shirt concept. It was all absolutely worth the wait!
Thread: Help Horrendous
brother joel

Replies: 9
Views: 118,453
09-06-2020 13:51 Forum: General Discussion

Hey, I want to let you know that I am keeping you and your family in my prayers. When my son was born we very quickly found out that he has a heart issue called hypoplastic left heart syndrome. This has required three open heart surgeries and a pacemaker. He is now almost 16 years old and thriving. He is as healthy as expected. Even the normal things they watch for with his condition are not presenting themselves. We praise God for this daily. That said, when we found out his diagnosis we were very scared. God did place people in our lives to guide us through and offer us hope even in our fear. This did not defeat the doubt and anger we felt. God has indeed shown Himself victorious in this situation and many others. Praying for strength for you and your wife, guidance for doctors, and healing for your child!
Thread: Daniel Amos - Horrendous Disc Deluxe
brother joel

Replies: 313
Views: 2,880,804
09-17-2018 11:34 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I ordered the book when it was offered to kickstarter contributors after the kickstarter ended. I am just wondering when I can expect it to come. I am waiting with great anticipation. Thanks!
Thread: Daniel Amos - Horrendous Disc Deluxe
brother joel

Replies: 313
Views: 2,880,804
07-23-2018 22:06 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Mine arrived last Friday before I left for WV for a mission trip. My son helped me do an unboxing video. It was good fun. When I get home, I plan to post it to the DA facebook page if I can. I look forward to enjoying all the goodness when I return home!
Thread: 5 THINGS IN 2002
brother joel

Replies: 29
Views: 129,710
03-21-2018 13:47 Forum: General Discussion

5 things in 2017:

1) Saw my son head into 7th grade and I entered the phase of having a teenager
2) Contributed to the Horrendous Disc Kickstarter
3) Ran a half marathon in Rhode Island
4) Took care of my kids for a week while the church I am serving did VBS while my wife was away in Princeton taking a grad class
5) Got the news that my youngest sister is engaged
Thread: When Worlds Collide 2?
brother joel

Replies: 36
Views: 220,608
10-21-2017 19:27 Forum: General Discussion

First, thank you for your efforts on behalf of this great band! I guess I never really think about the details and struggles of getting stuff out to us fans. Your efforts are extremely appreciated!
Second, the fact that a band is revisiting recording their track is exciting. I cannot wait to hear the result if this comes to fruition.
Thread: When Worlds Collide 2?
brother joel

Replies: 36
Views: 220,608
10-12-2017 21:24 Forum: General Discussion

I was over at noisetrade and noticed The Choir fan tribute that has a Phil Madiera song on it and I recalled this thread. It would still be amazing to get the tracks that have been recorded. I had the Scattered Few recording at one point, but it disappeared when I transitioned computers. It might be on a flash drive somewhere. The Choir Tribute at noisetrade has a mix of people I know and (mostly) people I don't. Perhaps the idea of mixing these songs with those from lesser known artists could be revisited. Or perhaps there are still others out there who would like to contribute to this. I know the first release was a long time ago, but having these songs finally see the light of day would be fantastic!
Thread: How Did YOU Discover Terry Taylor?
brother joel

Replies: 96
Views: 263,100
07-07-2017 17:21 Forum: General Discussion

I was at Insight Christian Bookstore in Schenectady, NY (good place owned by good people). Every time I went there my brother would go through the metal music and I would pour through the arena rock stuff. I cannot recall now what I was planning on purchasing when I went, most likely an early 90's Petra or White Heart release. Whatever. . .
While there I always sorted through the bargain bin for anything that looked interesting. I came across a cassette copy of "Let's Spin." It intrigued me so I bought it without a listen. Upon getting into our car in downtown Schenectady, my mom asked if we wanted to play any of our new music. I immediately pulled out this mystery cassette, opened it up and popped the tape in. As it began, my mom heard the beginning of "Let's Spin" and become immediately concerned because she thought she heard a little girl screaming nearby. It took us about 5 seconds to realize it was on the tape. Honestly, I did not warm up to this cassette quickly, but I eventually fell in love.
My deep appreciation of Terry Taylor actually occurred in 1993 when I purchased a sampler tape called "WALpaper" which had "Hole in the World" on it. I immediately appreciated this song. I was ready for something creative that dug deep into my soul. After hearing it, I soon purchased "Motorcycle" on Cassette. At the time I was unaware that Terry Taylor and Camarillo Eddy were the same person. Once I discovered this, I started really enjoying the "Let's Spin" cassette I had previously purchased.
Thread: Daniel Amos radio
brother joel

Replies: 13
Views: 85,321
12-15-2016 20:15 Forum: General Discussion

I really wish you would do a CD for Amrikrog. I really like the music and I want to display a CD of it with my other Terry Taylor related stuff. I have resisted buying the MP3s because I like the physical product. Sometimes I will get just a song that I enjoy, but rarely do I purchase a whole album in digital format.
Thread: My First Encounter With Derri Dougherty
brother joel

Replies: 9
Views: 82,497
RE: My First Eneounter With Derri Dougherty 12-02-2016 16:45 Forum: General Discussion

The first time I saw him live was a choir concert at Eastern College in 1996. Then I did not encounter him live again until Cornerstone 2000 where I caught the choir acoustic set, The Lost Dogs set, and the Adam Again set where he shared some vocals in memory of Gene. After this, I was able to catch either a dogs show or a choir show about once a year. Lately it has been more choir, though I did see the Kerosene Halo show this past summer near Lancaster, PA. My first memory of an actual conversation with him was at a Lost Dogs show in Lancaster in 2013. I am sure I actually talked to him previously, but this one stuck out because it was less fan boy and more a real conversation. Anyway, I had recently seen Phil Madeira for an acoustic show and book signing for his book "God on the Rocks." I was reading it at the concert in between sets and then afterward. While the band was wandering I was holding it and Derri asked what I was reading. This got us into a conversation about Phil Madeira and the song, "Bad Sense of Direction." We also talked about some theology. It was a good conversation.
Thread: DA Tour 2011
brother joel

Replies: 189
Views: 1,193,543
06-23-2016 15:24 Forum: General Discussion

Here is my recording of The Twist at the Camp Hill, PA: https://www.facebook.com/joel.m.jackson....?type=2&theater

I did record the whole concert and believe I sent it in. I made a DVD of it for myself. It is great to watch and relive.
Thread: Armikrog
brother joel

Replies: 7
Views: 83,283
06-15-2015 21:39 Forum: General Discussion

I am still wondering if I can just get the soundtrack at some point. I am not a gamer, mostly because I have no time and have proven to be very inadequate at playing games, but I truly enjoy the artistic meanderings of Terry Scott Taylor. Please tell me there will be a way to just get the soundtrack!
Thread: DA in CBS
brother joel

Replies: 12
Views: 136,042
09-22-2014 09:19 Forum: General Discussion

I like CDs and bookstores. . .

I was recently in a CBS, sadly there were no DA CDs. In fact I had a gift card and had a hard time finding anything I wanted. They did not even have a decent selection of commentaries or other biblical research type things.

There is a store not too far from here that still has some Common Children, Hoi Polloi, and other items on their discount rack.

Gone are the days when the good music was easily accessible in hard copy.
Thread: Any News On Anything New?
brother joel

Replies: 19
Views: 161,898
06-17-2014 21:37 Forum: Upcoming Releases

They should at least make available a download audio version of that jingle for that restaurant with the Corn Dogs. That was good! They should also get audio for any other song experiments. Perhaps they could get some funding for it by providing things for download only.
Thread: Swirling Eddies - Zoom Daddy
brother joel

Replies: 30
Views: 166,763
RE: 20th Anniversary 02-11-2014 19:25 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Zoom Daddy is at the top of my list too. It is a genuine work of art with deep truth woven throughout the lyrics. Thanks go out to everyone who was involved in its creation!
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)
brother joel

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,585
11-09-2013 10:50 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I personally have Horrendous Disc and Alarma on vinyl. If I had a record player I would listen to them in this manner. If I had a record player I would get Dig Here on vinyl as well. I don't know how easy it is to get the albums on vinyl, but they are available. Horrendous Disc was found by a friend at Salvation Army (He traded it to me for a copy of a Joy Electric Album-I think I got the better deal) and Alarma was found at a library sale in Radnor, PA. Good luck to anyone looking for the vinyl editions of the albums. Ebay is probably the easiest method these days.
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)
brother joel

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,585
09-20-2013 21:07 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Distributer having trouble meeting demand. . . well that is great news!

I will call the local station tomorrow to request "Jesus Wept." I do believe this might be the most immediately accessible and radio friendly song on the album. I also believe the Christian radio stations might be partial to it as they like to have their quota of JPMs.
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)
brother joel

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,585
09-11-2013 19:58 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I have a love hate with digipaks. I agree that the artwork is much more impressive, though it really bugs me when artists do not include the lyrics because it requires another pocket. I am glad they don't crack much. . . I just got a stack of cds in for the church that I work for and 4 of them were cracked. They were shipped with some books so my guess is they did not pack enough filler in the box to protect them. On the other hand, I have a Vespers CD in a digipak and it recently got all bent up on the front cover as I was transporting it to work. I have since decided to make sure that all releases in digipak that I may like to listen to at work should be on my ipod.
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)
brother joel

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,585
09-02-2013 08:41 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I have used quotes from the various bands in which Terry is involved in my sermons in the past. I have not actually preached since I received my download back in May. I find that Terry's lyrics provide great addendums to the thoughts that God's Spirit grants me during sermon preperation and delivery. May God bless your ministry Ron!
Thread: DA - ¡Alarma! (Deluxe Edition)
brother joel

Replies: 36
Views: 316,815
07-26-2013 18:20 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I will probably have to wait until finances are a little healthier before I can justify this purchase. I do have three versions of Alarma already and my wife my look at me funny if I get a forth. Not that it won't happen, it just might take some time. I am very interested in hearing the other versions of the tracks as well as the newly remastered of the actual release. Thanks again for making it possible for us fans to grasp unto all the material that this amazing group of guys produced!
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