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Thread: Tim Chandler

Replies: 74
Views: 938,827
10-10-2018 17:48 Forum: General Discussion

This is really a bummer! I hate to use the word “devastating” for someone I didn’t know personally, yet this news hit me harder than it should have, and devastating seems appropriate to describe it. DW’s essay put how I feel into words better than I could have.

Now I need to drown my sorrows with some Windex....

Seriously, though, my heart breaks for his family, his music family, and his fans who thought the world of his musicianship. He played an essential role in so many songs that mean so much to me, perhaps, even though I never really knew him, to me he was much more than a stranger.
Thread: Two Alarma Tour Photos

Replies: 46
Views: 201,717
05-20-2015 23:21 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by PassingInterest
Originally posted by Ritchie_az
Cool pictures! I was born in 1980, so I was just a little tot when these were captured.

Well, now I gotta ask the most commonly asked question heard around the world: At what age did you become a Daniel Amos fan?

Oh, I was 20. Purchased a DA album on a whim. The rest is history.
Thread: Two Alarma Tour Photos

Replies: 46
Views: 201,717
05-16-2015 16:29 Forum: General Discussion

Cool pictures! I was born in 1980, so I was just a little tot when these were captured.
Thread: DA in CBS

Replies: 12
Views: 136,042
03-02-2015 23:53 Forum: General Discussion

At this same CBS:

Pimply teenage employee - Can I help you find something?

Me, looking through the CDs - I'm just looking for a diamond in the rough.

Employee - Is that the name of an album or song?

Employee, after a moment of awkward silence - Oh, I get it.

Me - Glad to see you got a few Daniel Amos albums, but too bad you don't have the latest one.

Employee - I've never heard any of his stuff.

Me - Daniel Amos is a band. You really should listen to it. I see you have Steve Taylor's latest, that's good.

The employee raised his eyebrows, gave an awkward smile, nodded his head and walked away.

I purchased the Steve Taylor album for $5 more than I could have on Amazon.
Thread: re- Terry's Current Situation

Replies: 29
Views: 135,242
11-30-2014 20:06 Forum: General Discussion

I know he's doing the VeggieTales thing. Saw an episode on Netflix. It was a little different from "traditional" VT, but perhaps that's a good thing.
Thread: DA in CBS

Replies: 12
Views: 136,042
RE: DA in CBS 09-19-2014 15:05 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by joey
believe it or not i discovered Da in a (so-called) Christian book store... Shocked
of course, that was in the 80's..
and i still don't have my rocket pack! Mad Confused Frown

I "discovered" DA at a CBS, but that was 15 years ago. I don't frequent CBSs, but when I do I make sure that I go through the CDs. It has been many years since I've seen a DA album. To see three of them was surprising, but the good kind....

Sadly, I don't have a rocket pack, either.
Thread: DA in CBS

Replies: 12
Views: 136,042
09-18-2014 14:31 Forum: General Discussion

It's a CD of duck sounds....
Thread: DA in CBS

Replies: 12
Views: 136,042
DA in CBS 09-17-2014 17:23 Forum: General Discussion

I went to a Christian book store today (Family Christian Stores). I wasn't looking for music, but since I was there I dug through the CDs. Holy (Sacred) Cow! Three DA albums were the first things I found (literally, they were filed under "A"). The debut remastered, Shotgun Angel remastered, and MBD. I'm hoping that Dig Here wasn't there because it was sold out (although I doubt that's the case).

I was pleasantly surprised to see those, and almost picked one up (but I thought better of it because I already have each of them). Instead I picked up The Rex Carrall Band, which as it turns out is pretty good (a bit Deep Purple-ish).
Thread: DA Timeline

Replies: 7
Views: 64,236
08-31-2014 19:27 Forum: General Discussion

I see that Marty was both born and raised on one fateful day in 1954....
Thread: DA - ¡Alarma! (Deluxe Edition)

Replies: 36
Views: 316,815
05-18-2014 12:39 Forum: Upcoming Releases

On a recent road trip, I was driving and my daughter was in the back seat of the car. I said, "Look, a llama."

She answered, "What?"

I said, "A llama."

"What did you say?" She asked.

"A LLAMA!" I replied.

My wife starts laughing. Then she starts singing.

A llama
Somebody's crying
A llama
Somebody's yelling
A llama
Somebody's askin' what'cha'say?
Thread: Silly Songs With Terry

Replies: 12
Views: 82,800
03-18-2014 12:22 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by PuP
How does Ritchie get this scoop?

Not jealous, not jealous, not jealous...

It was posted on DA's Facebook page....
Thread: Silly Songs With Terry

Replies: 12
Views: 82,800
Silly Songs With Terry 03-15-2014 14:12 Forum: General Discussion

Disco loves grapes of wrath (they never take a bath)....

Terry and Rob are joining the all Veggie team. Any thoughts?
Thread: The Daniel Amos T-shirt

Replies: 4
Views: 79,959
01-26-2014 22:42 Forum: General Discussion

I wore a Swirling Eddies shirt to church once. It was a large church, so I only personally knew maybe 5% of the members, despite being active with different things. This guy says, "You know who the Eddies are?! I've got someone you need to meet."

It was his brother, who is a big DA/TST fan. He's also a musician who was the singer/keyboardist in the bands The Straw Theory (had one album, TST was the producer) and Novalux (had one album, Steve and Derri were the producers). Novalux also opened for DA when they played in Phoenix a couple years ago.

Anyway, it is good to wear DA/SE/TST clothing whenever possible. Smile
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,593
01-23-2014 23:20 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I'm still diggin' Dig Here....
Thread: Daniel Amos, Pop Culture & Academic Research

Replies: 5
Views: 96,490
01-08-2014 16:30 Forum: General Discussion


Enjoy, I did.
Thread: DA Tour 2011

Replies: 189
Views: 1,193,546
01-01-2014 17:17 Forum: General Discussion


Originally posted by WoaaahJelly!
Only took me 2.5 years to get these up. That's a new record. I had to wrestle with Flickr for awhile until I got the hang of it. The guys exited the stage at the end (I don't recall an encore) and proceeded to COMPLETELY DISAPPEAR, less Paul, who stayed around to talk. I couldn't find an RV, a plane, a train, a conveyance of any kind. They just vanished. I suspect maybe Terry was ill, or maybe they were afraid of the "Sprinkler Head" guys. They asked for SH during that performance. I talked to them afterwards, and as I recall they had just seen them at one of the other Ohio dates, and had requested SH there, too. I strongly suspect they followed DA to every Ohio date and asked for that song at every one. I am not at all certain, but they may be the ones talking to Paul in the last photos. I went across the state to see them again (after the Wilmington date) because I had to leave early for work and I missed the encore and meeting the guys and the merchandise table.

Daniel Amos at Harvest Christian Fellowship in Cambridge, Ohio 6-20-2011:


I have a better set from the Wilmington date I am working on.
Thread: Real Life Jobs?

Replies: 40
Views: 281,430
12-29-2013 22:26 Forum: General Discussion

I thought you were Jimmy Brown The Newsboy...
Thread: DA Tour 2011

Replies: 189
Views: 1,193,546
12-29-2013 16:22 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Jimmy Brown
Cool pictures. Thanks, ritchie!

No, thank you!
Thread: DA Tour 2011

Replies: 189
Views: 1,193,546
12-28-2013 02:16 Forum: General Discussion

Thread: Real Life Jobs?

Replies: 40
Views: 281,430
12-27-2013 22:03 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by gowensby
Prof at a Christian college and stand-up comedian (really).

Tell us something funny!

That's pretty cool.
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