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Thread: First one.

Replies: 46
Views: 48,926
06-19-2003 20:52 Forum: General Discussion

My very first album by Terry and the boys was their very first one - "Daniel Amos" I believe I bought it at the George Fox College (now University) bookstore after hearing
"Walking on the water" played on the college radio station.
A few months later they played a concert at the college.
I loved it and from then on I decided I was going to follow this group. And that's what I've done through every music style and incarnation.
Thread: What is DA's best opening track?

Replies: 53
Views: 74,283
11-23-2002 12:34 Forum: General Discussion

My selection would be "Hollow Man" that opens Doppelganger.Though certainly not the most melodic, it definitely sets the stage for DG and lets the listener know this is going to be a very different listening experience.

My second selection would be "A Sigh For you" which opens Fearful Symmetry. The whole theme of that recording is longing for God, and I think that song sets it up nicely.
Thread: Veggie Tales the movie

Replies: 41
Views: 43,562
11-12-2002 08:06 Forum: General Discussion

Yes, we got the new VeggieTales video, "Star of Christmas" last week for our 4 year old daughter. She's watched it about 15 times now. Cute story, though a little more complex than the average VT video. Fun to see the characters dressed up in Victorian garb. The "Musical" they're working on in the video is a riot!
Thread: A duet between Terry and Leigh Nash?

Replies: 23
Views: 34,168
11-08-2002 12:55 Forum: General Discussion

Thanks for pointing me to the DADL. I signed up right away.
Thread: A duet between Terry and Leigh Nash?

Replies: 23
Views: 34,168
11-07-2002 20:24 Forum: General Discussion

Why does almost every post on this message board turn into a joke? I was hoping for some decent discussion. I'm afraid I'm getting a little disillusioned with lack of taking posts seriously.
Thread: A duet between Terry and Leigh Nash?

Replies: 23
Views: 34,168
A duet between Terry and Leigh Nash? 11-06-2002 20:47 Forum: General Discussion

I was listening to the new City On A Hill Christmas cd and noticed that Terry was the second vocalist on the opening song. (He sings the line that begins "Glad tidings we will bring of Christ the newborn king...") A lot of artists sing on that song and on the whole disc, but one that really stands out is Leigh Nash, lead singer of "Sixpence None the Richer." She has a beautifully distinctive voice and I was thinking how neat it would be if she and Terry ever got together for a duet. (Has Terry ever sang a duet with a female vocalist?)

By the way, Sixpence's new album, "Divine Discontent" is excellent. The music is beautiful, Leigh's vocals are top notch, and the songs are very thought provoking. It's a real keeper.
Thread: Toughest top 5?

Replies: 13
Views: 15,717
10-26-2002 22:45 Forum: General Discussion

I had a hard time getting into parts of ZOOM DADDY, while other parts I really liked. I like the music, but still don't get "I had a bad experience with the CIA..." and "Nightmare at the Elk's Lodge" I have no clue whatsoever.

The first time I heard BIBLELAND, I thought "What the heck are they doing now?!" It was so unlike anything they'd done previously, and I've never been into the grunge sound. But it grew on me after repeated listens.

My least favorite is SACRED COWS. It's just really hard to regard it as anything more than a novelty record, and its embarassing to listen to if you're not alone. (Kind of like "Beans, Beans, the Musical Fruit" from Imaginarium)!
Thread: Top X you don't have

Replies: 38
Views: 42,834
10-26-2002 12:14 Forum: General Discussion

I have been blessed in having an understanding wife who has let me get caught up on my DA/SE/TST/LD collections down through the years. There's very few I want that I don't have, but here's the one's I'm missing:

--DARN FLOOR BIG BITE (only have on vinyl)
--OUTDOOR ELVIS (Only have on worn out cassette)
--LET'S SPIN ( same)

I do have an extra CD copy of "BIBLELAND!"
Thread: Imaginarium

Replies: 32
Views: 31,123
Imaginarium 08-28-2002 21:34 Forum: General Discussion

My copy of "Imaginarium" arrived in the mail today. I really had not intended to get it, but the more I thought about it, I realized that I could not possibly be a diehard Terry Taylor fan without hearing his soundtracks for video games!

I'm glad I broke down and got it! The first listen through the wierdness was almost overwhelming, but it is some incredibly creative music. I'm really enjoying it. I'll have to be careful though. If any of my parishioners hear "The Musical Fruit" I'll probably be kicked out of my pastorate!
Thread: Bibleland

Replies: 40
Views: 43,951
08-28-2002 06:38 Forum: General Discussion

Thanks John! Now I can listen to BIBLELAND with new appreciation.
Thread: Bibleland

Replies: 40
Views: 43,951
Bibleland 08-27-2002 21:46 Forum: General Discussion

Listened to Bibleland in the car today while on my way to a substitute teaching assignment. Wanted to know what some of your impressions are of that recording. It took me a while to get into it because of all DA's work it's the hardest to hear the lyrics. Also the hardest rock they've done. But repeated listens won me over. (After all, it is DA!)

Some of the songs on it I'm not quite sure what they mean. Particularly "Low Crawls in High Times" & "Out in the cold." Also "Pete & Repeat" (though I think that one's about gossip). Knowing how Terry hates to explain his songs, I'm wondering whether any of you like attempting it.
Thread: which one is "weird?"

Replies: 87
Views: 92,600
08-25-2002 16:35 Forum: General Discussion

We seem to be getting off the topic. Doppleganger is definitely a strange album, but interestingly I believe it was the one that received the most favorable critical review when it was released. It does follow the theme more closely than any of the others, and I love all the Alarma recordings.
Thread: DA fans ages

Replies: 71
Views: 298,857
08-25-2002 16:31 Forum: General Discussion

I'm 45. What I want to know is how old Terry is!
Thread: Intro. to Mr. Taylor?

Replies: 41
Views: 55,474
08-24-2002 15:14 Forum: General Discussion

I'm 45 and I go back to the beginning when Daniel Amos was primarily a country band. I bought their first album because I really liked "Aint Gonna Fight It" from Maranatha 5. Then when I went to a 4 year Christian liberal arts college, they played one night in concert. Some complained about how loud they were, but I loved it.
Then came "Shotgun Angel" which I snatched up. I waited eagerly for their next release, but it was not soon in coming. Before HD was released, I heard them again in an outdoor Jesus Music concert and it was obvious their music was changing because they played a lot of what ended up on HD. But I loved the new music and was fascinated by it. I snatched up HD on cassette when it came out, and was astonished when "Alarma" came out just 2 months later! What really blew me away from that point on was that no two albums ever sounded the same! I picked up all the Alarma Chronicles albums as they were released, then DFBG
and Kalhoun. I didn't know who the Swirling Eddies were until I gave them a test listen, and realized they had to be a Terry Taylor band. I've picked up everything since except "Swirling Mellow" and "Meat the Farm Beetles."
Then of course there were his solo albums, and the Lost Dogs releases. After having to wait years to get some releases, it's so exciting to have so many re-releases and new recordings becoming available. Right now I'm waiting for "Imaginarium" to hear another side of Terry, and "Hodgepodge and Random Acts when it's released."
Thread: Thanks for the welcome

Replies: 2
Views: 9,522
Thanks for the welcome 08-17-2002 16:26 Forum: General Discussion

Thanks for the welcome. Glad to be a part of the family. I've followed Daniel Amos, DA, Swirling Eddies, Lost Dogs, Terry Taylor throughout their careers (not always easy) For some strange reason I didn't find it hard at all to adapt with them through their country pre-HD stuff to Alarma and beyond.
Thread: \"Sanctuary\"

Replies: 9
Views: 20,741
08-17-2002 16:17 Forum: General Discussion

Thanks for the welcome. Glad to be a part of the family. I've followed Daniel Amos, DA, Swirling Eddies, Lost Dogs, Terry Taylor throughout their careers (not always easy) For some strange reason I didn't find it hard at all to adapt with them through their country pre-HD stuff to Alarma and beyond.
Thread: \"Sanctuary\"

Replies: 9
Views: 20,741
\"Sanctuary\" 08-16-2002 22:19 Forum: General Discussion

This is my first posting. I enjoy reading this message board though it does puzzle me at times. It's really hard to pick my favorite DA song, but I remember how blown away I was by "Sanctuary" when I first heard it. It's sparse lyrics & moody but driving music gave a real impression of divine protection while the storm howls all around. If not my favorite, it's at least in my top ten.
Showing posts 1 to 17 of 17 results

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