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Thread: It's All About YOU....

Replies: 195
Views: 977,876
09-04-2021 17:03 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Jimmy Brown
Oh, don't apologize, Wayne. I like learning things like that. After all, you are a teacher!

My problem with my name in school was convincing some teachers, who refused to use nicknames, that my name is really Jimmy, not James. Roll Eyes

I think I just now understand what you said years ago- the name on your birth certificate is "Jimmy"; thus your name is not a shortening of "James", it is indeed "Jimmy".
Thread: It's All About YOU....

Replies: 195
Views: 977,876
09-04-2021 17:01 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Jimmy Brown
My friend and I listened to Outdoor Elvis a number of times sitting out at the Christmas tree farm. Cool

Is "relief teaching" teaching a class while the regular teacher is absent? It has a nice ring to it compared to "substitute teaching."

Heroic effort. O-E is one looong album.
Thread: It's All About YOU....

Replies: 195
Views: 977,876
08-29-2021 17:42 Forum: General Discussion

I may have told this story here already (or a shorter version of it). I joined the Navy in April 1989, graduated boot camp (San Diego RTC) in July and went home for leave just before Christmas. I called the nice lady at IDR Airlines (I Don't Remember) and I got a wildly expensive round-trip ticket back home and back back again. I flew home and had just a wonderful Christmas and new year with the family. I remember playing Nintendo. I believe it was right on January 1st 1990 that I flew home. I remember how unhappy I was at that time. Before I flew home, and while I was still happy, I went to Logos Bookstore and there I was, must have been, 20 copies of "Outdoor Elvis" on display. I remember the young man who worked there; I think he was a little Bohemian. I can't imagine the older manager ordering such a thing. I got my copy and took it with me back to California.

Anyone else remember what they were doing December 1989? We need to keep this server busy with nonsense threads like this; this makes the Audioris mucho happy.
Thread: It's All About YOU....

Replies: 195
Views: 977,876
08-23-2021 15:27 Forum: General Discussion

Love to hear your December 1989 memory, Jimmy. I have one too, but you first!
Thread: Bibleland Appreciation Thread

Replies: 157
Views: 511,782
08-10-2021 13:27 Forum: General Discussion

I bought your CDs, and I read your liner notes, and lovingly scrutinized your cover graphics, but you never came! I waited for you by the fountain in the Mall, AND I ROTTED THERE!
Thread: DA Tour 2011

Replies: 189
Views: 1,193,539
06-19-2021 17:32 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Jimmy Brown
No, I've never seen the band live. With Tim gone now, I'm pretty sure I never will.

I think Tim made one of the Nashville dates, correct? Some got to see that. So DA fandom is truly a sort of Matroska doll of experience.
Thread: DA Tour 2011

Replies: 189
Views: 1,193,539
06-19-2021 17:30 Forum: General Discussion

I realize now I was amazingly fortunate. I got to see not one but *2* dates, all in my state. I think they stopped up north also.* This was when my DA love and fandom really got baked in. It's one thing to hear a band for years, and another to see them. Now that I think about it, had TCM toured, or the Gaither Local Anesthesia Band, I would be a rabid band of an entirely different stripe.

*North Ohio is like another planet, really.
Thread: DA Tour 2011

Replies: 189
Views: 1,193,539
06-18-2021 17:52 Forum: General Discussion

Did you get to one of the dates, Jimmy? I don't remember.
Thread: DA Tour 2011

Replies: 189
Views: 1,193,539
06-17-2021 17:42 Forum: General Discussion

I wish I could lie and assuage your regret but I cannot. It was wonderful.
Thread: DA Tour 2011

Replies: 189
Views: 1,193,539
06-16-2021 07:40 Forum: General Discussion

Ten years ago.
Thread: Happy Birthday Terry Taylor

Replies: 4
Views: 80,793
05-26-2021 17:03 Forum: General Discussion

Thanks Jimmy.
Thread: Happy Birthday Terry Taylor

Replies: 4
Views: 80,793
05-24-2021 14:33 Forum: General Discussion

Thanks, Wayne.
Thread: Happy Birthday Terry Taylor

Replies: 4
Views: 80,793
05-24-2021 14:29 Forum: General Discussion

Happy Birthday, Terry! Is it, like 87 now? I think?
Thread: Sound familiar? Listen to the B-G music...

Replies: 0
Views: 43,386
Sound familiar? Listen to the B-G music... 03-30-2021 17:24 Forum: General Discussion

Thread: DA Tour 2011

Replies: 189
Views: 1,193,539
03-21-2021 17:13 Forum: General Discussion

Almost TEN years. Can you believe that, fellas? Wouldn't it be cool if the guys surprised us with yet another one?
Thread: Hi from a Newbie & Fearful Symmetry Question

Replies: 20
Views: 325,726
03-18-2021 02:20 Forum: General Discussion

It has been so long, I think I forgot Terry's solo project. Just for a moment.
Thread: Hi from a Newbie & Fearful Symmetry Question

Replies: 20
Views: 325,726
03-17-2021 15:35 Forum: General Discussion

Yeah. Glad to hear that, Eric. So It appears Jason is disillusioned or maybe burned out, and Eric is still on board for more reissues.
Thread: Hi from a Newbie & Fearful Symmetry Question

Replies: 20
Views: 325,726
03-09-2021 15:52 Forum: General Discussion

Welcome, K4DA! I was not yet a DA fan when F-S was released in the 1980's but of course I saw the cover! It was like no other and drew one's attention.
Thread: I say Carman would make a cool sail cat

Replies: 124
Views: 338,433
02-24-2021 06:09 Forum: General Discussion

Actually, I like his music. Some of it. He was an important part of CCM music for a long time. But he is definitely not DA and I'm sure that's part of it.
Thread: I say Carman would make a cool sail cat

Replies: 124
Views: 338,433
02-23-2021 08:40 Forum: General Discussion

Was checking out his Wikipedia page and his first album was from 1980 "God's Not Finished with Me". I suppose his last album could be 2021 "Yep, I'm Finished".

Seriously been listening lately to a cassette copy of "The Champion" in my car. It's worn to the point the letters are gone from the cassette but played just fine until the other day. I popped it in and it sounded awful and muffled. I popped it out and discovered the pressure pad had come off. So this cassette died within days of the death of its subject.

It was a good cassette; Sony media with chromium dioxide and Dolby HX pro. It sounded about as good as a commercial cassette ever did.
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