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Showing posts 1 to 18 of 18 results
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Thread: It Arrived! It Arrived!

Replies: 12
Views: 25,497
a minor complaint..... 06-20-2002 13:03 Forum: General Discussion

got my MEWH... yeah! yummy, yummy, yummy!!!
extry special for me, since I never purchased the original Songs disc.... on disc 2 (WEWH),I like how "can't keep my eyes off of you" is used as a "song on the radio" while bud and irma are driving along in the RV (at least that's my interpretation of 'eyes'). very nice.

wewh (the song) just makes me want to cry....puts me in a melancholy sort of mood....wonderful!!!!! (not that I like wanting to cry, but wonderful that Terry's music moves me).

my only (small) complaint has to do with this comment:
Originally posted by Author of the Post
For me, the real gem is disc 3. I love the sentimentality of Terry reading the story and tracks #2 and #6 are great new songs (especially #2.)

how's about a track listing? no listing for disc 2 or 3, leading to the question about the origin of the instrumental on disc 2, and referring to tracks 2 on 6 on disc 3 as tracks 2 and 6 and not my their names.....

can anybody in the know help us fans out on this????

Thread: ba be de ba de ba ba baarrybarrybarrybarrybarrymanilow....bar rymanilow

Replies: 22
Views: 32,880
singing the scripture 06-05-2002 23:08 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Andrew

Oh yeah Steve good.

But Uber I thought you'd be upset with the Jesus is for Losers like your pal at http://www.av1611.org ?

As I mentioned in another thread I've got "The Finish Line" as a dance in an upcoming youth service.

i have too much time on my hands....but there's just a LITTLE bit of irony for the 'how dare the christians sing a song written by a non-christian' section....

they site "40" and Turn,Turn,Turn.....

last I checked those 2 songs had lyrics directly from the BIBLE.

how bizarrely funny is that....
Thread: My TST Topic of the Day

Replies: 11
Views: 17,463
phil 06-05-2002 12:46 Forum: General Discussion

golly, took me an extra second to recognize phil sans the beret....the middle digit on the right hand sort of gave it away, though. Wink
Thread: I there anybody out there?

Replies: 33
Views: 47,130
my truck 05-21-2002 11:26 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by BigDork
a lousy speaker? or a truck?

I just ADORE my truck....it's the speakers that suck...
Thread: Scared Cows hunt

Replies: 32
Views: 31,778
gee thanks, carl 05-21-2002 11:22 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by carl
sorta.... My daughters (13 & 11) demand this sucker on a regular basis....

....THEY don't like "God Good, Devil Bad" but I think it's pretty funny, as it plays the black/white oversimplicity of most CCM to the hilt ("Sun hahht, snooooow coooooooold / Socks steeenk, flahhhhrs don'....), although I still can't figure out who Terry's "doing" in that song (my best guess at this point is Chico Escuella -- you know, "baseball been beddy beddy good to me....")

...."Baby Baby" I've done, but especially the Yoko part doing "Bayyy-bee bayyy-bee, I walk into da' fahhhhhhhh-rehhhhhhhhhhst".... kills me every time....

..."Schhhhaten, Bithe the Dusssscht...." What can you say? It's the Tuxedo Clad Megastar. By definition, then, it doesn't get any more ridiculous. I only wish they'd done "This Blood's for You".... "Cusssschhh I repwheschent a ho'nu bweeda CWISCHtyun faw ta-dayyyyyyyyy" indeed....

...I don't have to sell you on "I Luv crap Music," so I'll save my breath... Smile .....

..."Big House".... "I know how to make this more alternative..." "You mean, like (garbled Spin Doctors)?" "Yeah, let's have SPOT sing it!" So you have this big ol' celebration song sung by $#&#@ Droopy Dawg, who ends up, "Oh no, I'm back in Alcatwaz! I was in the big, big house.... but now I'm in the BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG HOUSE!!!... I'm so depwessssed...."

Not to mention the apt use of slide whistle and Casio throughout this wonderful mess....

Ahhhh, I bet you never watched Bugs Bunny either when you were a kid.... One of my pastimes of my late adolescence was to match up rock stars with their appropriate Warner Bros. character (you know, Bob Seger as Yosemite Sam, Bryan Ferry as Pepe Le Pew, Paul McCartney as Tweety Bird, etc.), but Bugs himself always proved elusive. Bowie, Dylan & Lennon were all in the ballpark but never quite made it. But now I know Terry Taylor, so I don't have this problem anymore. Smile

well done, well done!!! bravo!!!!!!

yep, I watched lots of bugs growing up (cause my older brother could beat me up if I didn't comply, and we only had one TV). I did watch the oh-so-funny Anamaniacs by my own will as an undergrad. I suppose either 1)don't laugh enough these days or 2)use things other than music for my laughter outlet....

thanks for trying to rehabilitate me. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

shempy, did ya get my email?
Thread: Scared Cows hunt

Replies: 32
Views: 31,778
golly, you make it sound funny 05-20-2002 14:13 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by carl
but "Big House" had me doubled over the first time I heard it, and the Crash-Test-Dummies-meets-Yoko-Ono treatment of "Baby, Baby" is consistently hysterical....

perhaps if you gave intelligent analysis like this for the entire album i might be able to listen to it with new ears.....Shocked Shocked

o well....the offer still stands, shemp
Thread: I there anybody out there?

Replies: 33
Views: 47,130
05-20-2002 14:03 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Woggy

And I bought a portable CD player with car adapter this weekend, so now I can listen to REAL music in my car. Whoooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo

best $50 purchase i've made in the past year. too bad it didn't improve the quality of the speakers in my truck. Frown

enjoy your driving even more. Smile
Thread: Scared Cows hunt

Replies: 32
Views: 31,778
sacred cows? 05-20-2002 14:00 Forum: General Discussion

ok - I own this but NEVER listen to it-at least not after the initial listen when I got it. it hurts. a lot.
some of the worst music ever, made even worse. 'I luv crap music' makes me laugh, but that's the only one. do any of you actually listen to the disc, or do ya just own it because you are a 'completeist' in regards to all things Terry?

shemp, if ya really want it, I'll sell you my copy, fairly cheap (give me an offer) (atarah@hotmail.com). i have no sentimental attachment, and not being a 'completeist' myself, would not feel too bad to let it go.

it's terrible, it's horrible, it sounds bad. Big Grin Big Grin

yep, I know that's the point, but that fact doesn't induce me to listen....

Thread: Beards and moustaches and rose coloured sashes

Replies: 39
Views: 54,287
fish on bumpers 05-16-2002 14:40 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Dr Rich
Originally posted by BigDork
Originally posted by anne
so what's your tatto, BigDork? hope it's not the same as atarah's; that's kind of an ignominious place for a jesus fish Wink

it's one of those Darwin fish, being eaten by a Jesus fish.Wink


that one is TOO silly Wink

the Darwin fish makes me laugh, and the Phish fish.

i'm sort of partial to the gefilte fish fish......
Thread: Beards and moustaches and rose coloured sashes

Replies: 39
Views: 54,287
05-16-2002 14:39 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Kaf-N-8ed
Originally posted by Über Parrot
Tatoos are tools of the Devil!

Anyone with a tatoo should get them removed.


NP: Gonna Be Heaven - Cindy Morgan

Either that, or get something better tatooed over the top of them...


what better could be tatooed over a 'jesus fish'? huh? huh?
Thread: Beards and moustaches and rose coloured sashes

Replies: 39
Views: 54,287
05-15-2002 16:16 Forum: General Discussion

a. over 50 percent of yer noggin covered? (theo-your excluded)
b. Wear a moustache?
thank God, nope
c. Beard?
d. Earring (s)
two holes in each ear, hardly ever use them
e. Have a mullet long enough to pony?
uh, my hair's long enought to pony, but it's not a mullet
f. Have a tattoo?
a deep purple and magenta 'jesus fish' on my right ankle...i was young and foolish, and now i'm so ashamed
Thread: MOOOO!!!!!

Replies: 15
Views: 23,223
MOOOO!!!!! 05-03-2002 15:05 Forum: General Discussion

don't ya just love the farm beetles link on the front page?

the distorted mooing cow makes me laugh.


as you were.
Thread: To make a short story long...

Replies: 25
Views: 45,970
never lend 04-30-2002 18:34 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Shemp
Loaned my brother my old DA albums.
Gone... foreverCrying

never lend, unless you are willing to never see (hear it) again......i lend stuff all the time, just not stuff that's out of print Big Grin Big Grin
Thread: only if you are bored and need something to do

Replies: 12
Views: 23,054
ooppsss 04-30-2002 18:31 Forum: General Discussion

Gamgee wrote:
Actually, it's from Small Great Things. But hey, no one's perfect (especially not me)

opps! so I am a dork.......it's late, i say (oh never mind, it's only 6:30 in the PM) Crying
Thread: only if you are bored and need something to do

Replies: 12
Views: 23,054
hey big DORK 04-30-2002 18:17 Forum: General Discussion

6)''They're unaware they
Moved a mountain''

hey, don't think anyone's answered this yet (unless , of course I'm a bigger dork than thou)

Ordinary Extraordinary Day MBD
Thread: What turned you on?

Replies: 50
Views: 70,854
steve, derri, tim, and dan 03-15-2002 12:39 Forum: General Discussion

listened to the choir first, fell in love with terry's song writing on the Dog's stuff, and finally bought my first DA about a year ago (the Alarma Chronicles book set).....so I'm a new old terry fan........
Thread: First Post

Replies: 169
Views: 217,160
woggy woman, my hero 03-14-2002 10:30 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Woggy

You hit the "quote" button.........which will reference the post you want to respond to. Otherwise, you can just put the person's name in your subject line.

This color is called "tomato"..........isn't it lovely?


Golly PollyWoggy, thanks for your motherly help....what would we do without you???Tongue
chartreuse (aka limegreen) brings me joy...... Wink though tomatoe (Quayle is my other hero)is lovely, also
Thread: First Post

Replies: 169
Views: 217,160
what if i want to reply to woggy's post? 03-13-2002 13:28 Forum: General Discussion

So what if my comment pertains to woggy, and not the intital post? how do i do that?
Showing posts 1 to 18 of 18 results

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