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Thread: New Daniel Amos?
Commander Cote

Replies: 66
Views: 225,658
11-01-2010 14:51 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I happen to have from a reliable source that a NEW DA record is in the works...... details to follow.....
Thread: Losst Dogs In Stillwater Minnesota
Commander Cote

Replies: 5
Views: 14,926
Losst Dogs In Stillwater Minnesota 07-01-2010 18:08 Forum: General Discussion

Hey You Lil' Doggies
The Lost Dogs are playing Friday night July 16th in downtown Stillwater at 7:00. Actually Pegtop is warming up.
This is a free show and it will be just south of the Stillwater bridge in the park. Hope to see you there....

This is a "NO EXCUSES FOR NOT BEING THERE ACCEPTED" show (If you live anywhere near the Twin City area) If you have a computer or have access to one and you are a Lost Dogs fan you will know about this show, you do not want to miss this one.....
Thread: Happy Birthday, Terry!
Commander Cote

Replies: 10
Views: 38,618
05-24-2009 18:17 Forum: General Discussion

Happy Birthday Mr. Taylor. Man has it been a year already since the last one? Hope it's been a good one with family and friends.
Commander Cote
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
Commander Cote

Replies: 653
Views: 1,497,851
09-12-2008 21:39 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Am I missing something....when I go to Arena Rock it still says TBD?????
Thread: Why'd the Lost Dogs summer tour get cancelled?
Commander Cote

Replies: 39
Views: 86,013
06-16-2008 15:50 Forum: General Discussion

Way to go my friend........Congrats.........Don't even think of trying to catch me......
Thread: iAlarma!
Commander Cote

Replies: 163
Views: 261,021
04-14-2008 16:42 Forum: General Discussion

I was 24 and had just seen Daniel Amos & Randy Stonehill during the "Amos & Randy" Tour
at Bethel College. Speaking of which, a little side note, me and my posse were at Bethel College Saturday night (JiMiNy, DaLe, Dennis and bunch of other friends and relatives) and saw Phil Keaggy, or Ol' Whitey as we like to call him, for the fabulous "Master & Musician" concert.
Thread: R.I.P. Larry Norman
Commander Cote

Replies: 116
Views: 191,597
02-25-2008 14:03 Forum: General Discussion

Thanks for posting the Goodbye Farewell vid, really makes ya think...

Don't worry about your Mom and Larry getting into it, Dave Sjoberg will be there to keep the peace....

Thank God for Larry's music, it got me goin in the right direction, and even though there have been some rough times we're still here singing about Jesus just the same whoaaa yeah!

God Bless
Thread: Whats your favorite DA concert experience?
Commander Cote

Replies: 105
Views: 165,000
02-17-2008 17:50 Forum: General Discussion

Without a doubt (and I may have answered this already) The Amos & Randy Show, Bethel College, St. Paul Minnesota April 11, 1980. The funny thing was I had already heard The Horrendous Disc Radio Show(almost two years prior to this show), and was ready for a lot of the songs. They played Endless Summer and Cinema Girl and I couldn't wait for HD to come out, which it did two months later (and no Cinema Girl) and then what, a month after that Alarma (which had Endless Summer) Boy what a year that was......
Thread: GOD is GOOD!- Eric is Freed
Commander Cote

Replies: 4
Views: 15,691
01-14-2008 13:51 Forum: General Discussion

I knew it would take a miracle and that's exactly what happened. I seen an interview with Eric on Anderson Cooper the other night and boy, what a nightmare he went through....
Thread: Ultimate Horrendous Disc Update?
Commander Cote

Replies: 359
Views: 615,439
11-22-2007 07:57 Forum: General Discussion

I seen Larry live in St. Paul, MN. in 1979 with his band and he seemed to be in pretty good shape then?? I can honestly say it was a very good concert, but I can also honestly say it wasn't my all-time favorite. That occurred the next year, and it was.....Yep you guessed it "The Amos & Randy" show at Bethel College. They even did "Cinema Girl" which at the time thought "What a great song, I can't wait until the next album (that's what we called them way back kids) but alas
I didn't realize I would have to wait 27 years to hear it again......
Thread: Happy Birthday, Dr. Love (Mike Roe concert - WI)
Commander Cote

Replies: 16
Views: 26,480
10-17-2007 19:12 Forum: General Discussion

Dear Doctor
I would call you and sing to you but I lost your number.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Thread: Ultimate Horrendous Disc Update?
Commander Cote

Replies: 359
Views: 615,439
04-26-2007 18:42 Forum: General Discussion

Oh Lord I hope he didn't mean that.....
Thread: Ultimate Horrendous Disc Update?
Commander Cote

Replies: 359
Views: 615,439
04-25-2007 21:10 Forum: General Discussion

Shotgun eh? This is still kind of up in the air.....If The Dogs were coming here around that time I might stick around here. Maybe if I just wave my magic wand......
Thread: Ultimate Horrendous Disc Update?
Commander Cote

Replies: 359
Views: 615,439
04-25-2007 04:04 Forum: General Discussion

Hold The Presses! I may have a story for ya....There's a chance I may have talked my my wife into going to Cornerstone! For those of you who know my wife that could be quite a story.

Stay Tuned.........
Thread: Ultimate Horrendous Disc Update?
Commander Cote

Replies: 359
Views: 615,439
04-18-2007 15:35 Forum: General Discussion

There was a song called Cinema Girl that they were doing live during the Horrendous Tour/The Amos & Randy show, I would hope that that is one of the extra tracks. And for those wondering, I am 50 and have seen DA I believe around 10 times (hoping for the 11th). Is anyone here older? Would love to chat with whoever wants to remine...remin...talk about the good old days, and to tell tales that would just make the young whippersnappers here envious.

Good To Be Back
Commander Cote

P.S. Hey JiMiNy, Woggy, Dennis, and of course DaLe
Thread: Where to sell CDs
Commander Cote

Replies: 6
Views: 20,278
04-18-2007 15:19 Forum: General Discussion

I would list them on ebay, but, on the cd's that you would like to get more for just put a reserve price of what the least you'd like to get, and if it gets bids but doesn't meet your reserve then you don't have to sell. Good Luck! Always do research on completed items on ebay to get anidea of what certain cd's go for.
Take Car and once again good luck!
Commander Cote
Thread: Just Wondering.......
Commander Cote

Replies: 5
Views: 16,337
01-28-2007 07:44 Forum: General Discussion

Hey LurKing
Do you hear crickets? (Not JiMiNy either) I mean the kind that you hear when a place is so quiet
and that's all you can hear...Hmmm, I think I just seen a tumbleweed roll by.
Terry! Tim! Ed! Greg! Is there anybody here!
Thread: Just Wondering.......
Commander Cote

Replies: 5
Views: 16,337
Just Wondering....... 01-20-2007 07:43 Forum: General Discussion

This may have been brought up before, however, I was listening to Doppelgamger the other day
(Hey, you gotta dig this stuff out once in a while), and in listening to the bonus tracks I got to thinking, here we have the concert intro and two songs (obviously a board recording) that sound amazing......so what happened to the rest of the concert? Kinda like the Bootleg cd, that had a bunch of songs left off. It's like getting your favorite ice cream, eating it and then found out that there was hot fudge that you could've had too. These are the kind of things that I would buy in a heartbeat, and I'd be willing to bet I'm not the only one. I would also bet (to save you all some loot) that most of us don't really need fancy artwork to go a long with it. Am I on something or am I onto something?

Commander Cote
Thread: Daniel Amos "Video's" on YouTube
Commander Cote

Replies: 3
Views: 16,538
01-01-2007 17:33 Forum: General Discussion

It's intersting watching the Rocket Pack video in that the guy in Tongue the space suit in the beginning of the video is none other than "Commando Cody".
Thread: Darn Floor Big Curiosity
Commander Cote

Replies: 85
Views: 172,054
12-20-2006 15:08 Forum: General Discussion

Hey J
Looking at the list...
Jacobs Trouble doing "I Believe In You" by Bob Dylan! Yeah they're going straight to Purgatory,
And Dan Peek singing "Lonely People" by America, How dare he sing their so...wait a minute wasn't he in America? I guess he's going to hell twice. And of course DA doing "Surfing USA", Hey I thought that was a Christian song? Oh well time to get out the ol' Hymnal and double check.
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