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Thread: i got a keyboard...and i feel serious...

Replies: 31
Views: 51,801
12-22-2004 00:52 Forum: General Discussion

i have to say,
i am an obsessive music fan and daniel amos is amoung the best.
i was drunk and loose on the internet and figured i'd check the daniel amos site for info....
found this board.....signed in, and just started talking.
it was the uninhibited ranting of my heart,brain,trouble and confusion.

you say the things i said anywhere else, you may be despised.
here is where some of the meat is....the love of Christ shown by his people.

i apologize for introducing my self while drunk....although i don't take back what i said.
i feel very strongly about alot of these things as i can't stop the relentless thinking of my brain.
i just can't believe how all of you have treated me. it's wonderful...and it makes me accountable....and at least i was honest.

i stayed away for a while because i was ashamed. i'm sorry.

....funny how you can feel people praying for you....i can't put my finger on the description of the feeling....kinda like faith,huh?

it's time to end this crap.
a depressed person typically gets swallowed up in their pain and becomes self absorbed without even knowing it...that is part of the sickness.
part of getting up out of that is having concern for others...and acting....as you have done.
as it is now, i am a spiritual father to two people in the faith...and have neglected them.
they trust me more than anyone....
all of your words are encouraging,the demons will fall one by one...
now i want to know you people better....this is part of the church i know after all.
i want to pray for you to.
life isn't all peaches and cherries for anyone....
under the grace,
Thread: i got a keyboard...and i feel serious...

Replies: 31
Views: 51,801
12-07-2004 00:25 Forum: General Discussion

God bless you all and your concern. i'm glad i've found a place where ugly honesty is accepted....i will say no more because i'm drunk again and i don't want to regret what i might say. lifes tough,but you have to face it. i'll try again tomorrow. i'll reply sober.heh heh. thank tho lord for the grace that covers us....so undeserved.
Thread: i got a keyboard...and i feel serious...

Replies: 31
Views: 51,801
12-06-2004 00:08 Forum: General Discussion

thank you all very much. i've not been to 'church' in 10 years. but what does church really mean? ....love.... the mark of a christian. fellowship. not a big building,not a budget, but people living everyday with struggles,salvation...and love for one another.
it's rare.
don't be so hesitant to share your trouble with those around you. i'm ashamed already,but people need.
i believe it's how God works anymore--through the members of his body.the true church.
tell me, are you desperate to breathe?to live? the time is given you. this seems hypicritical coming from me but it's true.i'm just stuck with my head right now.
go struggle and love..... desperatley....and take a slap in the face.
hi. this is my intro. pleased to meet you fine people.
thanks for the prayers as well...i've no other church.
Thread: i got a keyboard...and i feel serious...

Replies: 31
Views: 51,801
12-05-2004 23:31 Forum: General Discussion

i tried to. sorry. it's just that some people seem to have peace.
some are lost,some are found,i am a Christian but i guess i must be in the wrong place.
i feel real bad most the time although the spirit of the Lord lives in me.
had trouble growing up, i was abused in 'Christian schools',but i do not doubt the saviour,
i was accepted in the world, i love music...and i don't want to live without alcohol.
this sucks,i know, and it a great way to make an entrance into my favorite band's message board, but i'd rather save the lolly pops and flowers untill after the rain has passed.
i mean...go to church--will people be as honest with you as the ones at the bar?
no. at least not in my experience. my parents never told me about all the things they were....to me they and everyone preceding them were angels. now it's this generations turn....and look at it. i'm not right and i admit that. this generation will be worse than ever...this generation needs honesty.the art world needs honesty....so i'll start--i'm an alcoholic.i've got a false god set up between me and my creator....but i really just wanted to get rid of that terrible feeling....either the people i know have it all together or won't be straight up with me about the struggles of their past. we need painful,honest answers.
humility. email me if nothing else....but what comes to your mind when you see a clever statement on a church billboard? does it draw you in?really??
Thread: i got a keyboard...and i feel serious...

Replies: 31
Views: 51,801
12-05-2004 22:58 Forum: General Discussion

thanks for an honest answer.
Thread: i got a keyboard...and i feel serious...

Replies: 31
Views: 51,801
i got a keyboard...and i feel serious... 12-05-2004 22:51 Forum: General Discussion

all laughter aside, there is a time for everything.
a drunk can have the most sober conversation...
and he won't remember to tell anyone what you've shared unless it's written.
DA. more than a band....
i appriciate honesty...especially from Christians.
tell me of a hard lessons learned. tell me of heartache and redemption.
i need to hear more.
tell me of victory over terrible obstacles and include every feeling along the way.
i need to hear more...
tell me of how the Lord saved you from the world and yourself.
even the darkest story may stir hope in a person....with a good or bad ending....because the writer lived to tell and presses on.
so tell me, Christian.
i will be silent.
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