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Dark Steamy Cabbage


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Ok. I'll admit it.

I am a drummer and Steve has been a major influence in my life for MANY years. I've been whacking 'em for over 40 years and recognized his very serious talent on Wide Eyed and Kangaroo. I had been learning from Steve year after year with the release of each new CD.

Then, I got the email that the Choir was playing Little Rock. Too cool. I grabed my son and we headed out. Sure enough, we saw the Choir in a really sweet small place. They were GREAT! I spoke with the opening acts drummer and he warned me not to approach Steve "because he doesn't like to be touched or deal with fans". Obviously, I didn't believe that for a moment. Steve was a drummer! I'm a drummer. We are strange, bent, odd, and even obnoxious......but standoffish???? NEVER!

So, I really didn't pay attention to any of that. I figured that I could handle it. I wouldn't geek out. After all, I'm an adult and my 17 year old was with me. I had to be strong and stoic for his sake. Steve came out after the show and I waited patiently to speak with him. I spoke to Derri and made drummer jokes with him. That was the best. Then Steve became available and I walked over to him. That's when things got.....bad. I reached out and grabed him full force. I hugged the snot out of him. On hindsite, it was probably a bad decision. I rambled on about how much of an influence he has been on me as a drummer and how much I've enjoyed learning from studying his work. He had squinty eyes and mumbled something that could have been a thank you......or a lawyers name.....I'm not quite sure which. Anyway, my son teases me to this day about my geeking out. We all do things for our children. It's our lot in life as parents.

I still don't believe that garbage about Steve. I think he's one of the most rhythmically gifted individuals walking the land. But, he's probably changed his method of greeting fans after that show. So, if you have the opportunity to meet Steve and shoot the breeze and he appears "standoffish", don't fault him. It's definately my fault. I've freaked the guy out.

Part 2.
I recently found out that Marc Byrd's sister is our pastors wife! How cool is that! I have the video of that Choir show from Little Rock with Marc playing guitar. My son calls it the "Hugfest Show". Sometimes he gets on my nerves. I gave my pastor a copy of the DVD when Marc came to visit them a couple of weekends ago. The only consolation I have from all of this mess is that Marc and I have never formally met. That's probably a good thing......'cause I hear tell that he doesn't like it when guys kiss him on the cheek.

08-15-2007 22:35 Nicolosi is offline Search for Posts by Nicolosi Add Nicolosi to your Buddy List
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You'll note that Steve wasn't in the picture that was snapped. He was hanging off the living room looking for all the world like a wallflower at a Jr. High dance. He seemed to be pinching himself that he was in the same room as Derri, Mike, and Terry.

Yeah, I know, he and Derri go so far back that it's not funny. Somebody needs to tell him that.

To call him humble misses the point. He really didn't believe that he should be in the same room as the others. I don't know if he's in denial about his celebrity or what, but his shyness put me at ease, and I was able to talk to him like a regular guy. I looked him in the eye and said something along the lines of "I sense you're a little unsure of all this, but you should know that your passion for excellence, your musicianship means a lot to me. Christians sometimes settle for Schlock Fer Jesus. I've never got that impression from you. You may wonder if people notice. We do."

He was very authentic, very quiet, and put me totally at ease. If anything, being around him for that moment had the opposite effect--I wanted to put /him/ at ease. He was a great guy and I very much enjoyed spending a moment with him away from the spotlight.

Johne (Phy) Cook | Overlord, Ray Gun Revival magazine |
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08-15-2007 23:12 Phy is offline Send an Email to Phy Homepage of Phy Search for Posts by Phy Add Phy to your Buddy List Add Phy to your Contact List AIM Screen Name of Phy: MyriadPhy YIM Account Name of Phy: bio_phy View the MSN Profile for Phy
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I spoke to Steve and Derri at C-storne.-05
Their set didnt start til 2:00 a.m (scheduled- I mean its a FEST!)
They gave my son and I time afterward, and were both very gracious and accomodating-and I'm sure they were beat.
Autographs and all...kind..


theres nothing to EVER put here that will please everyone-let alone anyone.
08-15-2007 23:54 jiminy is offline Send an Email to jiminy Search for Posts by jiminy Add jiminy to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by larryl
Originally posted by Ron E
Originally posted by sprinklerhead
If you have a problem idolizing Terry and the guys, you can do what I did. Catch Terry in line for the toilet. That really levels the playing field.

I nearly followed Mike into the bathroom to ask for an autograph but mostly as a joke, didn't do it, thought it would be funny though.

that's how peawinkel met mike.

We ran into Rich Mullins in a bathroom once years ago.. probably '87 or '88ish. He was washing his hair in the sink. I think we just left him alone until later. Looking back on it now, I almost wish one of us had stuck our head under the faucet next to him.. Big Grin

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

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08-15-2007 23:57 audiori is online Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Phy
I met Terry and the three-legged-dog cast a couple of summers ago in some guy's basement not far from where I live in southern Wisconsin. It was billed as an intimate, 25 person show in a basement studio. The concert was to be filmed by lo-fidelity for a prospective DVD. I was beyond psyched..

Johne....glad you had a good time. Since I've seen various forms of this story for a couple years now....the "some guy" who's basement studio we held the concert in is owned by a dear friend of mine name Joel Funk. He is a longtime supporter of the Dogs and all of their own bands....and a saint to open his home for a concert like we had.

Originally posted by Phy
They played the full show as the first stop on that summer's tour, but I rather doubt we'll see that footage. Pity. It really was a fun show.

A couple things....this was either the 3rd or the 4th show of the tour....not the first....I'd never film or record the first of any tour.

Second....the footage and audio from the show is actually really cool. The issue is whether or not Lost Dog fans actually WANT another Dogs DVD.

I say this because the "Via Chicago" follow-up we released last December has sold all of (roughly) 250 copies in 8 and a half months. That is really bad. I literally have boxes and boxes of unsold DVD's in the label office....and the production costs have yet to be paid back.

So....as of now, I have a rough mix of the audio from the East Troy studio show, and all the footage from the cameras...but nothing is edited....and the chances are it will remain that way until I can pay to have it done.....which requires older releases to actually sell.

One last thing....if I remember correctly, you were in the Janesville area. You do realize that just a short 2 hour drive to the south there have been other Dogs and Dogs related concerts that have taken place since the East Troy show? Come on down....see a show...bring friends....have something new to write about. Tongue Big Grin

jeffrey k.

"Life handed us a paycheck, we said 'we worked harder than this!'" - Modest Mouse
08-16-2007 02:48 jeffrey k. is offline Send an Email to jeffrey k. Homepage of jeffrey k. Search for Posts by jeffrey k. Add jeffrey k. to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by jeffrey k.
So....as of now, I have a rough mix of the audio from the East Troy studio show, and all the footage from the cameras...but nothing is edited....and the chances are it will remain that way until I can pay to have it done.....which requires older releases to actually sell.
jeffrey k.

Is that ice cream place in East Troy still there? It was called Lauber's or something like that?

I had another dream about lions at the door
They weren't half as frightening as they were before
But I'm thinking about eternity

And I'm wondering where the lions are...
I'm wondering where the lions are...
08-16-2007 08:59 sprinklerhead is offline Send an Email to sprinklerhead Homepage of sprinklerhead Search for Posts by sprinklerhead Add sprinklerhead to your Buddy List
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Ceremonial Kernel

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Originally posted by jeffrey k.
Second....the footage and audio from the show is actually really cool. The issue is whether or not Lost Dog fans actually WANT another Dogs DVD.

I say this because the "Via Chicago" follow-up we released last December has sold all of (roughly) 250 copies in 8 and a half months. That is really bad. I literally have boxes and boxes of unsold DVD's in the label office....and the production costs have yet to be paid back.

I don't know about anybody else but I didn't buy it because it sounded like leftovers from the DVD that I already had. Stuff that wasn't good enough for the first release. I would be interested in something that was new and different.

I had another dream about lions at the door
They weren't half as frightening as they were before
But I'm thinking about eternity

And I'm wondering where the lions are...
I'm wondering where the lions are...
08-16-2007 09:02 sprinklerhead is offline Send an Email to sprinklerhead Homepage of sprinklerhead Search for Posts by sprinklerhead Add sprinklerhead to your Buddy List
jeffrey k. jeffrey k. is a male
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Originally posted by sprinklerhead

Is that ice cream place in East Troy still there? It was called Lauber's or something like that?

Yeah it is....I was there in June. That place is good!

jeffrey k.

"Life handed us a paycheck, we said 'we worked harder than this!'" - Modest Mouse
08-16-2007 09:03 jeffrey k. is offline Send an Email to jeffrey k. Homepage of jeffrey k. Search for Posts by jeffrey k. Add jeffrey k. to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by sprinklerhead

I don't know about anybody else but I didn't buy it because it sounded like leftovers from the DVD that I already had. Stuff that wasn't good enough for the first release. I would be interested in something that was new and different.

Thats too bad.....and especially since this isn't the case at all. The only reason the songs on the second DVD didn't make the first DVD was the Dogs played a really long set so that we would have as many songs to choose from as possible for the DVD. In order to fit the bulk of the main set, the interviews, and the solo sets onto 1 DVD, something had to go.

Honestly, I wouldn't have gone through the time and expense of releasing the second DVD if it was just a bunch of "leftovers". Maybe other labels do that kind of crap.....but I don't.

jeffrey k.

"Life handed us a paycheck, we said 'we worked harder than this!'" - Modest Mouse
08-16-2007 09:13 jeffrey k. is offline Send an Email to jeffrey k. Homepage of jeffrey k. Search for Posts by jeffrey k. Add jeffrey k. to your Buddy List
Audiori J Audiori J is a male


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Originally posted by jeffrey k.
Second....the footage and audio from the show is actually really cool. The issue is whether or not Lost Dog fans actually WANT another Dogs DVD.

I say this because the "Via Chicago" follow-up we released last December has sold all of (roughly) 250 copies in 8 and a half months. That is really bad. I literally have boxes and boxes of unsold DVD's in the label office....and the production costs have yet to be paid back.

So....as of now, I have a rough mix of the audio from the East Troy studio show, and all the footage from the cameras...but nothing is edited....and the chances are it will remain that way until I can pay to have it done.....which requires older releases to actually sell.

jeffrey k.

Yeah the seccond Via Chicago DVD, its a weird thing I still think people see it and think its the first one and not a follow up. Therefore concluding they already have it, the average fan doesn't pay attention to details.

To the second point, thats exactly why we end up editing film and all that as cheaply as possible. If we hadn't done that, we probably would of only put out Spittle and Phlegm and never put out another DVD.

If you wanted we could edit together a test of that footage for free, depending on what format it is in. You could use it or scrap it, up to you, but then you could try and keep the cost down to just manufacturing. In which case you wouldn't need to sell very many to recoup costs, unless of course there are other costs already involved such as filming or whatnot.

“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
08-16-2007 09:20 Audiori J is offline Send an Email to Audiori J Search for Posts by Audiori J Add Audiori J to your Buddy List
Zudrak Zudrak is a male
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Originally posted by Audiori J
Originally posted by jeffrey k.
Second....the footage and audio from the show is actually really cool. The issue is whether or not Lost Dog fans actually WANT another Dogs DVD.

I say this because the "Via Chicago" follow-up we released last December has sold all of (roughly) 250 copies in 8 and a half months. That is really bad. I literally have boxes and boxes of unsold DVD's in the label office....and the production costs have yet to be paid back.

So....as of now, I have a rough mix of the audio from the East Troy studio show, and all the footage from the cameras...but nothing is edited....and the chances are it will remain that way until I can pay to have it done.....which requires older releases to actually sell.

jeffrey k.

Yeah the seccond Via Chicago DVD, its a weird thing I still think people see it and think its the first one and not a follow up. Therefore concluding they already have it, the average fan doesn't pay attention to details.

To the second point, thats exactly why we end up editing film and all that as cheaply as possible. If we hadn't done that, we probably would of only put out Spittle and Phlegm and never put out another DVD.

If you wanted we could edit together a test of that footage for free, depending on what format it is in. You could use it or scrap it, up to you, but then you could try and keep the cost down to just manufacturing. In which case you wouldn't need to sell very many to recoup costs, unless of course there are other costs already involved such as filming or whatnot.

Any chance that the 1st "Via Chicago" DVD is going to be made available again? I missed it and only have "Things We Left Unsaid". My mom-in-law is now a LostDogsaphile (?) and would probably love watching them as much as I would.

"My flesh and my heart fails, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
-Psalm 73:26
08-16-2007 09:38 Zudrak is offline Send an Email to Zudrak Search for Posts by Zudrak Add Zudrak to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Audiori J
Yeah the seccond Via Chicago DVD, its a weird thing I still think people see it and think its the first one and not a follow up. Therefore concluding they already have it, the average fan doesn't pay attention to details.

Yeah...I agree. It's too bad...how hard is it to read an advertisement, email, etc.?

Originally posted by Audiori J
If you wanted we could edit together a test of that footage for free, depending on what format it is in. You could use it or scrap it, up to you, but then you could try and keep the cost down to just manufacturing. In which case you wouldn't need to sell very many to recoup costs, unless of course there are other costs already involved such as filming or whatnot.

Thats a cool offer....thanks Jason. However, this thing you said: "there are other costs already involved such as filming or whatnot" is effecting all this right now. I can tell you more offline if you want....send me an email and I can explain.

jeffrey k.

"Life handed us a paycheck, we said 'we worked harder than this!'" - Modest Mouse
08-16-2007 09:51 jeffrey k. is offline Send an Email to jeffrey k. Homepage of jeffrey k. Search for Posts by jeffrey k. Add jeffrey k. to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Zudrak
Any chance that the 1st "Via Chicago" DVD is going to be made available again? I missed it and only have "Things We Left Unsaid". My mom-in-law is now a LostDogsaphile (?) and would probably love watching them as much as I would.

I really doubt it. Like I said in an earlier post in this thread, I can't really afford to release a new Dogs DVD because the current release isn't selling. Furthermore, I can't see re-releasing the first "Via Chicago" for the 50 people that might buy it when I will have to spend $$$ for a minimum of 1000 copies. If I can find a high quality way of re-releasing stuff in very small numbers, then sure....but until then....no.

jeffrey k.

"Life handed us a paycheck, we said 'we worked harder than this!'" - Modest Mouse
08-16-2007 09:57 jeffrey k. is offline Send an Email to jeffrey k. Homepage of jeffrey k. Search for Posts by jeffrey k. Add jeffrey k. to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by jeffrey k.
Originally posted by Zudrak
Any chance that the 1st "Via Chicago" DVD is going to be made available again? I missed it and only have "Things We Left Unsaid". My mom-in-law is now a LostDogsaphile (?) and would probably love watching them as much as I would.

I really doubt it. Like I said in an earlier post in this thread, I can't really afford to release a new Dogs DVD because the current release isn't selling. Furthermore, I can't see re-releasing the first "Via Chicago" for the 50 people that might buy it when I will have to spend $$$ for a minimum of 1000 copies. If I can find a high quality way of re-releasing stuff in very small numbers, then sure....but until then....no.

jeffrey k.

Frown I'll look for a used copy. Thanks, Jeffrey.

"My flesh and my heart fails, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
-Psalm 73:26
08-16-2007 10:08 Zudrak is offline Send an Email to Zudrak Search for Posts by Zudrak Add Zudrak to your Buddy List
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i hate to even mention it.....

but tooth and nail had a bunch of them at one point....

Ecclesiastes 1
1 The words of the Teacher, son of David, king in Jerusalem:

2 "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless."

08-16-2007 10:19 larryl is offline Send an Email to larryl Search for Posts by larryl Add larryl to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by larryl
i hate to even mention it.....

but tooth and nail had a bunch of them at one point....

Just looked there via Google (never been to T&N's site before). They only have "Unsaid" now.

"My flesh and my heart fails, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
-Psalm 73:26
08-16-2007 10:23 Zudrak is offline Send an Email to Zudrak Search for Posts by Zudrak Add Zudrak to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by larryl
i hate to even mention it.....

but tooth and nail had a bunch of them at one point....

All Tooth & Nail ever had was 50 copies. Thats it...and it was no big deal. They were actually cool to work with as they owned a certain percentage of the licensing on the songs used on the DVD....and rather than taking money, they simply asked for 50 copies of the DVD to sell. They actually lost on the deal as they had their copies forever, and had to sell them for next to nothing by the end.

jeffrey k.

"Life handed us a paycheck, we said 'we worked harder than this!'" - Modest Mouse
08-16-2007 10:27 jeffrey k. is offline Send an Email to jeffrey k. Homepage of jeffrey k. Search for Posts by jeffrey k. Add jeffrey k. to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by jeffrey k.If I can find a high quality way of re-releasing stuff in very small numbers, then sure....but until then....no.

jeffrey k.

I have an idea...
I think I love you.

Ok, sorry. Eddies flashback.

Perhaps you can bypass the expense of manufacturing and shipping physical DVDs entirely. Sell the concert as downloadable video and let the customers burn them to DVD at home if they so desire, or put them on their iPods, or what-have-you. Does the DA store offer this as a feature? If not yet, perhaps this is a new way to get DA / TST / LD stuff out there, saving costs, maximizing profits, and providing more products.

I spend more and more time viewing and listening to media on non-physical formats; on my iPod, on my computer, from my laptop. I've bought more music this year from online sources where I didn't have the physical disc, and my enjoyment of the event wasn't in any way diminished. In fact, this method supports fanboi impulse purchases. I'd buy the raw footage of the East Troy concert right now if I could, much less a produced show.

Another thing about live projects. I was thinking about this on the way in. We want professional quality muscianship, but we don't want perfect concerts. The fans actually like a bit of imperfection, something that stands out, as long as the music doesn't suffer. The show in Joel's basement studio is a perfect example. Mike was a little under the weather but still delivered a fine performance. The building heat spawned some gentle good humor, but didn't substantively derail the show. The banter and the music (including Steve Hindalong on a variety of percussion pieces, not just a stock drum kit) was stellar.

I'd suggest putting out a YouTube cut of one song from that venue and shop it around to Lost Dogs and TST-related sites. Then put up a poll: who would pay for a DVD of the show? Who would pay for a downloadable video of the show?

I think many (or most) people know very little about it, and it was too good a lineup to miss. It's a unique venue and the single flaw actually makes for a better product.

Johne (Phy) Cook | Overlord, Ray Gun Revival magazine |
| http://raygunrevival.com/ | http://phywriter.com/

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Phy: 08-16-2007 10:47.

08-16-2007 10:46 Phy is offline Send an Email to Phy Homepage of Phy Search for Posts by Phy Add Phy to your Buddy List Add Phy to your Contact List AIM Screen Name of Phy: MyriadPhy YIM Account Name of Phy: bio_phy View the MSN Profile for Phy
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I don't know about anybody else but I didn't buy it because it sounded like leftovers from the DVD that I already had

Oh no. It's not at all. It's just the rest of the show. Which, if you've ever seen the Lost Dogs, you know that there is nothing that's just a throwaway. It's good. It's worth for "Rebecca Go Home" alone. If you have the first one, you should definetly get the second one!

So....as of now, I have a rough mix of the audio from the East Troy studio show, and all the footage from the cameras...but nothing is edited....and the chances are it will remain that way until I can pay to have it done

I have an idea. You could do a pre-order! Big Grin

But, I am kind of serious on that. This is the case where a pre-order would work best, because the material is already "in the can", and because it's already recorded, you wouldn't have the problem that the new SE disc had. With the Townsends editing it for free or very little, and pre-order cash, you might be able to break even, which is probably your goal anyway. I say "bring back the pre-order". I would be willing to help do whatever it takes to get this out, because I've been waiting for it ever since I heard about it. Even just a live CD of this would be really cool!

Also, I second everything Phy said. And, maybe there are a handful of fans that could assist in some way, like a street team, or even some financial backing. I'm sure you've probably thought of most of this, but, hey, you never know!

BTW, Jeffery, thanks for all of your work. There are several releases that none of us would have if it weren't for you, and please know that all of your work (and, at times, loss of money) is greatly appreciated!


This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by MarkyMark77: 08-16-2007 10:52.

08-16-2007 10:46 MarkyMark77 is offline Send an Email to MarkyMark77 Homepage of MarkyMark77 Search for Posts by MarkyMark77 Add MarkyMark77 to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by MarkyMark77
I have an idea. You could do a pre-order! Big Grin

But, I am kind of serious on that. This is the case where a pre-order would work best, because the material is already "in the can", and because it's already recorded, you wouldn't have the problem that the new SE disc had. With the Townsends editing it for free or very little, and pre-order cash, you might be able to break even, which is probably your goal anyway. I say "bring back the pre-order". I would be willing to help do whatever it takes to get this out, because I've been waiting for it ever since I heard about it. Even just a live CD of this would be really cool!

Also, I second everything Phy said. And, maybe there are a handful of fans that could assist in some way, like a street team, or even some financial backing. I'm sure you've probably thought of most of this, but, hey, you never know!

BTW, Jeffery, thanks for all of your work. There are several releases that none of us would have if it weren't for you, and please know that all of your work (and, at times, loss of money) is greatly appreciated!

I second all this, except for MMs second of my original statement, which would be a third, I think; I'm fuzzy on the math. Wink

I was going to mention the idea of a practical preorder but thought it might be a sore point. However, since MM brought it up, I think it's a classic case of a perfect occasion where it could work very well. And let me make this my official "I am /so/ in" vote.

Johne (Phy) Cook | Overlord, Ray Gun Revival magazine |
| http://raygunrevival.com/ | http://phywriter.com/
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