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Thread: It's Ed's birthday

Replies: 4
Views: 219,178
07-10-2023 17:58 Forum: General Discussion

Everyone knows it means, “Everybody have fun tonight.” Cool
Thread: New Website Design

Replies: 9
Views: 269,132
04-06-2020 09:23 Forum: General Discussion

I like how you used Larry Mullen's button in the upper-left corner.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Horrendous Disc Deluxe

Replies: 313
Views: 2,933,493
10-10-2019 14:13 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Originally posted by Jimmy Brown
Whereas for me, MP3s on cheap earbuds sound better than the cassettes I lovingly collected in the '80s.

Thread: Terry Taylor Kickstarter campaign

Replies: 40
Views: 479,531
07-23-2019 16:43 Forum: General Discussion

Maybe the headphones could be a stretch goal.
Thread: Terry Taylor Kickstarter campaign

Replies: 40
Views: 479,531
07-23-2019 16:08 Forum: General Discussion

You know, if Terry has Bluetooth capability built into his head, maybe I could connect a pair of wireless headphones to it.
Thread: Terry Taylor Kickstarter campaign

Replies: 40
Views: 479,531
07-23-2019 09:40 Forum: General Discussion

No way. I'm not buying another device just so I can play Terry's head.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Horrendous Disc Deluxe

Replies: 313
Views: 2,933,493
05-22-2019 23:47 Forum: Upcoming Releases

"I like glockenspiels." - not Carl Simmons
Thread: Joy Electric Interview

Replies: 9
Views: 155,165
02-22-2019 13:38 Forum: General Discussion

Second part of the Cornerstone episode: https://labeledpodcast.com/blog/npr-xmxxn-k4r8r-rcmm7-5nma7

Come for the blink-and-you-miss it references to DA and the 77s! Stay for the Danielson Familie song clip! Don't miss the MC Hammer story! Find out why Cornerstone ended! Its a roller coaster of nostalgia and other emotions!
Thread: Joy Electric Interview

Replies: 9
Views: 155,165
01-21-2019 14:01 Forum: General Discussion

I keep thinking I'm done with this thread but then something new comes along. This time it is an episode on the Cornerstone Festival. It's focused on Tooth & Nail but the 77s name comes up at one point. The next episode is supposed to be a continuation on the subject.

Thread: Spotify "This is DA" playlist

Replies: 5
Views: 107,704
01-14-2019 16:24 Forum: General Discussion

Not having ILY#19 seems like a big miss to me. DA's varied their style so wildly that my version of an "intro" playlist would be the complete recordings.

(Side note: All the studio albums + Bootleg '86 just gets you from north central Ohio to Austin, Texas. You know, just in case you ever make that drive.)

(Side side note: "Side Note" is now the name of the fictional rock band I am in whenever no one is watching me pretend to be in a rock band.)
Thread: Spotify "This is DA" playlist

Replies: 5
Views: 107,704
Spotify "This is DA" playlist 01-11-2019 13:35 Forum: General Discussion


Good representation? Would you make changes? Discuss...
Thread: Joy Electric Interview

Replies: 9
Views: 155,165
12-07-2018 10:30 Forum: General Discussion

I swear I get no residuals, but I've been chronicling the DA mentions on the Labeled podcast so here I am again. The latest episode is about Brandon Ebel starting the label, and DA, Terry, Derri, Gene, Mike Knott, the Green Room and Alarma! Records all get mentioned.
Thread: Joy Electric Interview

Replies: 9
Views: 155,165
11-20-2018 13:32 Forum: General Discussion

The Labeled podcast has pivoted and is now trying to document the rise of alternative Christian music in the 90s and 2000s. DA gets about a 20 second mention mark as Aaron Sprinkle talks about his influences. They use a snippet of "William Blake" as the background music.

https://overcast.fm/+I2NOBP7tk. DA is at the 13:25 mark. Go back about 30 seconds for Larry Norman/"Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?" and a Calvary Chapel/Chuck Smith reference if you are into that.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Horrendous Disc Deluxe

Replies: 313
Views: 2,933,493
09-08-2018 22:42 Forum: Upcoming Releases

If they own the rights now, you would think they could have improved the reissue from "horrendous" to at least "pretty good."


(I'll show myself out...)
Thread: Daniel Amos - Horrendous Disc Deluxe

Replies: 313
Views: 2,933,493
08-13-2018 09:10 Forum: Upcoming Releases

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night nor ravenous Kiwis stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."
Thread: Terry and a New Mall in Quincy

Replies: 22
Views: 241,233
08-09-2018 12:02 Forum: General Discussion

Impersonator love Doc A is Elvis?
Thread: Terry and a New Mall in Quincy

Replies: 22
Views: 241,233
08-08-2018 21:00 Forum: General Discussion

Elvis is a Doc Love impersonator?
Thread: Terry and a New Mall in Quincy

Replies: 22
Views: 241,233
07-25-2018 23:07 Forum: General Discussion

Baxter wishes he had dial-up. He's still trying to replace the tin can at the end of the string after that unfortunate incident with the goat.
Thread: Joy Electric Interview

Replies: 9
Views: 155,165
Joy Electric Interview 03-22-2018 19:58 Forum: General Discussion

The Tooth and Nail Record podcast, Labeled, just did an episode on Joy Electric. Ronnie Martin started out the interview talking about how Daniel Amos influenced him. Check it out here: https://labeledpodcast.com/blog/joy-e
Thread: Daniel Amos - Horrendous Disc Deluxe

Replies: 313
Views: 2,933,493
12-16-2017 22:31 Forum: Upcoming Releases

So, I just found this: https://open.spotify.com/track/776qj19dBY9IttC0iM2iDM
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