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Thread: Tim Chandler
wes berlin

Replies: 74
Views: 973,573
10-08-2018 17:18 Forum: General Discussion

i am heartbroken......it truly is a dark day.
Thread: DA - Pomona, CA - roll call
wes berlin

Replies: 53
Views: 136,788
08-13-2011 19:23 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by baxter

Mr. Berlin, it was great to see you playing with DAS!

it was great to see you and gloria there........i am just so sorry that we couldn't spend anytime together. sigh, next time. Smile
Thread: New Issue of Down the Line
wes berlin

Replies: 6
Views: 34,074
05-22-2011 18:00 Forum: General Discussion

Thread: help with Terry Taylor's solo cds
wes berlin

Replies: 43
Views: 161,322
12-24-2009 18:02 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by UnderDawg
Wes, do you like "Nightmare at the Elks Lodge"? Or is it just me?

i like the idea more than the song. Smile i think that i could have done without "(disco) love grapes" and "nightmare at the elks lodge" .........but you know....everyone has their opinion. the rest of the album is so strong and builds and builds spiritually till you reach the end. i think it's quite brilliant actually. Smile
Thread: help with Terry Taylor's solo cds
wes berlin

Replies: 43
Views: 161,322
12-23-2009 22:37 Forum: General Discussion

i understand.....that's why it's good that there is something for everyone. Smile

btw, i love "songs of the heart" as well. for terry's solo stuff it's "knowledge and innocence", "john wayne" and "briefing for the ascent" with "avocado fault line" bringing up the rear. Smile
Thread: help with Terry Taylor's solo cds
wes berlin

Replies: 43
Views: 161,322
12-23-2009 09:04 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by SnowMan
"John Wayne" and "Knowledge & Innocense" Big Grin

yes theo those are great.....tst solo albums! Smile i thought we were talking about se and lost dogs. Tongue
Thread: help with Terry Taylor's solo cds
wes berlin

Replies: 43
Views: 161,322
12-22-2009 18:42 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by UnderDawg
In the case of the SEs, I'd tend to say it is the best.

wow! there are so many that i like more than the newest and (at least for me) "zoom daddy" is the best album. but that's what's so cool.........there's something for everyone.
Thread: An Intimate Evening Along the West Coast
wes berlin

Replies: 20
Views: 98,110
09-22-2009 12:29 Forum: General Discussion

da nada Cool
Thread: An Intimate Evening Along the West Coast
wes berlin

Replies: 20
Views: 98,110
09-21-2009 21:29 Forum: General Discussion

fyi....the show tonight (in camarillo) is here.......live!

Thread: What were your first...
wes berlin

Replies: 31
Views: 98,532
08-01-2009 23:55 Forum: General Discussion

da: horrendous disc
77's: ping pong over the abyss
youth choir: voices in the shadows
lost dogs: scenic routes
adam again: in a new world of time
terry taylor: knowledge and innocence
Thread: all apologies
wes berlin

Replies: 4
Views: 26,464
05-01-2009 10:12 Forum: General Discussion

no worries.......but check your private messages. Smile
Thread: Gene Eugene/special issue with contributions from Terry Taylor!
wes berlin

Replies: 5
Views: 34,823
03-21-2009 00:04 Forum: General Discussion

flap your wings
Thread: Favorite DFBB song?
wes berlin

Replies: 26
Views: 101,795
12-05-2008 17:36 Forum: General Discussion

"darn floor big bite" or "unattainable earth".......that's the best i can do.
Thread: 'Travelog' intro
wes berlin

Replies: 3
Views: 27,672
11-21-2008 22:52 Forum: General Discussion

i'll try and remember to ask rob if he remembers anything about that.
Thread: The Lost Dogs on Route 66
wes berlin

Replies: 230
Views: 508,442
09-26-2008 14:30 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by sprinklerhead
Anybody else going to make it to Santa Monica? I'm catching a flight in the morning.

I was expecting it to be a concert but a beach party could be fun too. My wife made several jokes about seeing the Dogs in swimsuits not being her idea of a fun time. Oh well, she'll just have to miss out this time.

i thought i was gonna make it...but i will be working.
Thread: Bottom Five MBD songs
wes berlin

Replies: 40
Views: 131,007
09-25-2008 02:49 Forum: General Discussion

i agree with jiminy.
Thread: Illegal Stuff and Downloads
wes berlin

Replies: 138
Views: 337,902
08-28-2008 16:57 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by audiori
Originally posted by wes berlin
i think it's two things:

one is the flow of information from a label to it's audience.

the other is the audiences expectation of what they "hope" the label means.

at least that's how i see it.

I do agree with that. I know we've experienced that on my occasions. Even something as vague as "coming soon" gets translated to a week in some peoples minds.

plus with daniel amos there's an added extra dimension, most of us are "old timers" and back in the day (before internet) we had little info about things in the works....and then one day there would be something. now there's more info and with the info is the expectation factor that gets ramped up to 11.

of course all of this is very general.....cause every situation is different, but that's my 2 cents. Pleased
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
wes berlin

Replies: 653
Views: 1,573,067
08-28-2008 16:57 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Originally posted by audiori
Originally posted by wes berlin
i think it's two things:

one is the flow of information from a label to it's audience.

the other is the audiences expectation of what they "hope" the label means.

at least that's how i see it.

I do agree with that. I know we've experienced that on my occasions. Even something as vague as "coming soon" gets translated to a week in some peoples minds.

plus with daniel amos there's an added extra dimension, most of us are "old timers" and back in the day (before internet) we had little info about things in the works....and then one day there would be something. now there's more info and with the info is the expectation factor that gets ramped up to 11.

of course all of this is very general.....cause every situation is different, but that's my 2 cents. Pleased
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
wes berlin

Replies: 653
Views: 1,573,067
08-28-2008 15:42 Forum: Upcoming Releases

i think it's two things:

one is the flow of information from a label to it's audience.

the other is the audiences expectation of what they "hope" the label means.

at least that's how i see it.
Thread: The Lost Dogs on Route 66
wes berlin

Replies: 230
Views: 508,442
08-23-2008 13:38 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Dr Rich

and of course we had some of this:

and you know that the sauce isn't what it used to be. a lot of times it's watery and oh so mild. it used to be (and is still on occasion) thicker and more full of flavor.

it's still good though. Smile
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