Daniel Amos - Horrendous Disc Deluxe      |
WoaaahJelly! unregistered
08-12-2018 13:23 |

Registration Date: 07-09-2003
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__________________ "At times this board is a place of thought provoking discussions, but most often it resembles a not quite done Mexican taco." - Jevon the Tall
08-13-2018 09:10 |
Jimmy Brown
Ceremonial Kernel
Registration Date: 06-26-2007
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My Horrendous Book arrived yesterday. It looks great, and it's bigger than I thought it was going to be. Looking forward to sitting down with it soon.
08-21-2018 07:04 |
Jimmy Brown
Ceremonial Kernel
Registration Date: 06-26-2007
Posts: 1,425
I just saw the news that Daniel Amos will own all the rights and materials for Horrendous Disc. That is awesome news, guys! Congratulations!
09-04-2018 14:02 |
Woolly Eggwhisk

Registration Date: 02-23-2007
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Say what? I guess I missed that.
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09-06-2018 22:24 |
WoaaahJelly! unregistered
This is not really a reasonable thought, but it did just pop into my head. Did we have to wait until after Larry had died so this could be done?
09-07-2018 13:22 |
Audiori J

Registration Date: 11-27-2004
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It actually got put on hold a while because of Larry's death, we had started negotiations with him a few years ago.
__________________ “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
09-08-2018 19:45 |
Ron E

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
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Do they own the rights on everything now? Not KMG stuff maybe?
__________________ The opinion expressed is that of the participant and does not necessarily reflect that of Mr Dan Amos. But if it doesn't, he would be wrong.
09-08-2018 22:08 |

Registration Date: 07-09-2003
Posts: 11,774
Location: The DAmb Home for Wayward Sons and Fragile Daughters
If they own the rights now, you would think they could have improved the reissue from "horrendous" to at least "pretty good."
(I'll show myself out...)
__________________ "At times this board is a place of thought provoking discussions, but most often it resembles a not quite done Mexican taco." - Jevon the Tall
09-08-2018 22:42 |
Ron E

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
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quote: |
Originally posted by PuP
(I'll show myself out...) |
__________________ The opinion expressed is that of the participant and does not necessarily reflect that of Mr Dan Amos. But if it doesn't, he would be wrong.
09-08-2018 22:51 |
Audiori J

Registration Date: 11-27-2004
Posts: 7,730
Location: "Clowns to the left of me! Jokers to the right! Here I AM stuck in the middle with you." - Stealers Wheel
They own the rights to the Horrendous era music now. There are some other titles they own the rights to.
__________________ “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
09-08-2018 23:12 |
brother joel
Luteous Llama

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I ordered the book when it was offered to kickstarter contributors after the kickstarter ended. I am just wondering when I can expect it to come. I am waiting with great anticipation. Thanks!
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09-17-2018 11:34 |

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
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Books are still shipping out - I’ve been sending out a batch every day or two as I can. In some cases, I’m trying to double it up with other items.
__________________ "Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi
"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
09-17-2018 14:30 |
Jimmy Brown
Ceremonial Kernel
Registration Date: 06-26-2007
Posts: 1,425
Read through The Horrendous Book last night. Really great to have all that information gathered in one place. I love the pictures too. Thanks again to all for all the hard work!
10-07-2018 18:10 |
Jimmy Brown
Ceremonial Kernel
Registration Date: 06-26-2007
Posts: 1,425
As mentioned before, I only heard Horrendous Disc once before, and the owner of the LP may have been a distractingly cute girl, but upon listening this time I was certain that "Hound of Heaven" was sung by Jerry. I was pretty sure that "Man in the Moon" and "Horrendous Disc" were also Jerry, but "Never Leave You" was Terry.
In short, unless it is a TST solo album, don't believe me regarding who is singing. Maybe not even then.
"Hound of Heaven" = Terry
"Man in the Moon" = Jerry
"Never Leave You" = Mark
"Horrendous Disc" = Jerry
10-15-2018 20:32 |
Woolly Eggwhisk

Registration Date: 04-15-2005
Posts: 904
quote: |
Originally posted by Jimmy Brown
"Hound of Heaven" = Terry
"Man in the Moon" = Jerry
"Never Leave You" = Mark
"Horrendous Disc" = Jerry |
Slight correction: "Horrendous Disc" is mostly sung by Jerry, but Terry sings the middle part ("The show is over...").
__________________ "Settle down. We got along this day. Come outside because there is some sheep snot showing on my side."
-- Purported backwards message in DA song "Like Lazarus" (cited in the Vergito newsletter, Volume 5, Issue 7 Fall 1995)
11-05-2018 09:19 |
WoaaahJelly! unregistered
This points up something I noticed years ago- Jerry and Terry sound alot alike.
11-05-2018 11:22 |
Jimmy Brown
Ceremonial Kernel
Registration Date: 06-26-2007
Posts: 1,425
Indeed. My first Daniel Amos album was Doppelganger, bought in 1983. It was about 15 years later that I learned Terry did not sing "Little Crosses."
11-05-2018 16:25 |
Woolly Eggwhisk

Registration Date: 02-23-2007
Posts: 631
Location: Southern California
Ya'll need to tune up your ears. Terry and Jerry sound nothing like each other.
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11-09-2018 15:48 |
Ceremonial Kernel
Registration Date: 04-24-2002
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What about on "Waking Up Under Water"?
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11-09-2018 15:50 |