
Registration Date: 03-12-2002
Posts: 11,145
Location: Missouri
(The following is personally approved by Terry Taylor and Daniel Amos)
Welcome to the internet home of Daniel Amos, The Swirling Eddies and Terry Taylor!
We ask for all message board guests and registered members to act as though they are a guest in someones home. If you wouldn't do something face to face, don't do it here.
The following types of behavior are not wanted in the party (or in signatures). New members who actively participate in this behavior will be considered trolls and most likely banned. Regular board members who participate in this behavior may receive a warning and have their offending posts removed. Frequent warnings may result in temporary suspension or permanent banning.
1. "Spoofing;" Do not pretend to be a member of the band, a moderator, an administrator or another board member. This is rude and commonly considered to be Troll-like behavior.
2. Spam; Advertisements or excessive repeated text. Generally, we will delete random advertisements. Obvious spammers are also banned. We are fine with people selling an extra CD or advertising their ebay auction - especially if it might be of interest to other fans. Please remember however, any situation where something is allowed to be advertised in our home is a privilege - not a right - and may be removed at any time at the discretion of the band, the administrators, or the moderators.
3. Offering to trade/sell/distribute illegal or pirated material (either in your posts, your signature or your profile). This is primarily the offering of CDR or digital copies of official band material or posting URLs to locations that sell/trade/distribute illegal band material (including File sharing programs or FTP sites). If you post these items, your posts will be edited or removed. Additionally, selling or distributing illegal material may result in legal action. Posts discussing the trading of live recordings have almost always been tolerated, but can also be removed at any time at the discretion of the band, the administrators or the moderators.
4. Profanity; The "bad word" filter is in place for one sole purpose, to keep the entire website from being blocked from public computers. Do not circumvent the filter (in the subject lines or by any other method) and cause the website to be blocked because those posts will have to be manually found and edited by moderators.
5. Potentially offensive, controversial, political or incendiary content in signatures. The main reason this is not allowed is because it doesn't isolate the potentially offensive or controversial content to a single post, it spreads it all over the board - often to thousands of posts in every section of the board. We realize that what is offensive to some will not be offensive to others, but please try to use common sense. In most cases, if you have a signature that we feel violates the spirit of this rule, we will first ask you to remove it before any other action is done. However, in some cases we may feel that certain content is so obviously against this rule that it might be removed immediately.
6. Porn and/or Nudity; Self explanatory.
7. Disruptive Behavior; Troll-like behavior such as 'bumping' several old threads in order to either kill off new discussion, bury something you don't like or to be simply irritating. This is also referred to as "spamming".
8. Personal Attacks or "Flaming"; on the band, administrators, moderators or other board members. This creates an unhealthy and overly negative atmosphere at the party. This includes namecalling, personal insults, spreading rumors, "this board is dead" or "this place glows with warmth" type posts, and other similar counter-productive messages.
9. "Leeching;" Do not try to pull people from this board to another board.
10. Intentional Cluttering; Try to post threads related to the section you are posting in. This is really a board member and guest convenience factor and should be self moderated. For example: Threads about movies shouldn't be in the new releases section. Threads about Tabs and Chords shouldn't be in the Movies section.
11. Unnecessary Drama; This is the "try to act your age" rule. It is commonly considered Troll-like behavior to make a huge dramatic exit, only to lurk back to see the damage and repercussions that you caused. Another example of unnecessary drama would be posting something known to violate the rules and then attempting to create a "fight" on the board about those posts being moderated. (see )
12. Be Sensitive; There are potentially children, war mongers, peace nicks, feminists and chauvinists, evolutionists, creationists, protestants and catholics, pro-choice, pro-life, blacks and whites, atheists, Gays and lesbians, democrats, republicans, moderates, libertarians and independents, Long hairs, and a few no hairs here. They are all equally welcome to be a part of this party. Feel free to debate the idea, but do not turn your disagreement into an attack upon the poster or any person or group.
13. Order related questions or concerns should be made privately. If possible, email the store through the regular venues (the order info request form or email). If you have trouble reaching us through those means, send us a PM here on the board. Orders are private matters and often we need to get private information from you in order to check on or correct an order. We cannot do that on a public forum. It could be dangerous to you to give out any private information on a public forum.
If someone is being abusive to you or if you witness someone violating these very basic rules, please use the "report" button to report their post to us. Please do so even if you think something might be crossing a line. Aside from very obvious abuses, the reported post will be discussed by the moderators, administrators and band members before anything is done.
The Moderators and Administrators are here to make sure no one destroys the home or attacks the band or the other board members. Moderators and Administrators of this message board reserve the right to remove any content posted by members, or to suspend or ban any member at anytime or for any reason in accordance with these rules and in their sole discretion. They also reserve the right to handle all moderator issues privately. Please remember that moderators are also members and are dedicating their free time to preserving the integrity of the site for every member’s enjoyment. Please make sure you treat them with the respect they deserve. Personal attacks directed towards them or criticisms of their moderating in public will not be tolerated. They're here to help, not to be punching bags.
Action that might be taken in regard to a post in violation of these rules on these forums will vary depending upon the transgression. It may include any number of the following (in order of severity):
* Editing of the post or signature.
* Removal of the ability to have a signature or Link and image posting privileges.
* Deletion of the post/thread.
* Closing of the thread.
* A Warning.
* Suspension (Any subsequent warnings after a suspension will result in banishment).
* Banishment (results in the user's forum posting privileges being revoked.
* Legal Action (I.e. contacting law enforcement personnel in regard to a threat)
Picture yourself at a party in the Bands living room, some people are here with their kids. There are guests in one corner talking about Movies, some Guests in another corner talking about Tabs and Chords, some Guests are at the table talking about older albums.
Then there is a Guest who does nothing but shout expletives. There is a Guest who is trying to pull people from this party to his own down the street. There is a Guest impersonating other Guests in an unflattering way. There is a Guest who gets in the middle of other people's conversations and disrupts them by bringing up stuff that was talked about hours ago or not at all. There is a Guest who causes a huge scene by blowing his top and leaving in a big huff, only to stand around outside the window peering in. There is a Guest who does nothing but talk about the evils of a (certain religious, political, or ethnic) group. Obnoxious behavor. Don't be that guy.
People do not have a "right" to act any way they choose in another person's home.
__________________ "Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi
"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
05-22-2007 17:40 |

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
Posts: 11,145
Location: Missouri
Thread Starter
Note: Our rules are essentially the same as they have been since the start of this board. The recent rewritten version of them is just an attempt to make them clearer to all posters. However, in order to make sure that our rules were not more unreasonable than the average band or company forum, we consulted the rules on many other forums to create ours ~ including forums for The Doors, The Beach Boys, Brian Wilson, Lucinda Williams, Deborah Harry and Blondie, The OffSpring, NoDoubt, Dean Guitars, The BlackEyedPeas, ESPN, Sony,, SonyOnline, and many others.
Further reading on trolls and troll-like behavior:
Internet Trolls - A Guide
Field Guide to Trolls
Internet Baiting
Other Message Board Links:
__________________ "Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi
"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
05-22-2007 17:40 |

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
Posts: 11,145
Location: Missouri
Thread Starter
Don't forget!
If something offends you in a post or in a signature, use the "report" button to let us know! All "reports" are anonymous and your privacy will be respected.
We are not mind readers - and this might be the only way we even see the offensive post.
While this is very helpful to us, do not abuse this feature.
__________________ "Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi
"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
10-15-2007 18:34 |