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Thread: Alarma Chronicles thoughts and dreams.
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 42
Views: 181,746
01-26-2009 18:31 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Loooong time ago, lol.

Besides, who listens to vinyl anyway!
Thread: Alarma Chronicles thoughts and dreams.
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 42
Views: 181,746
01-26-2009 17:49 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Ah, the ever popular "insurance for my collection". Let me tell you, it's ugly. Speaking from personal experience, many years ago I "lost" my vinyl collection which was appraised at about $15,000. I had all of the items in a database with a the condition etc. When my collection was destroyed I figured, oh well (but it sounded a lot like firetruck) I have it all documented. I took my list to a few places and they returned my list to me with what they valued my collection at. They were less than my appraisal, but they were both over $10K. So I took this to my insurance agent. Who said, "Hmmm" and then asked for a clean copy of my database. A week later he returned saying he'd found a used shop that valued the collection at about $350 bucks, and that's what I'd be getting. I tried to negotiate, and got him to $500. I cried. But to make matters worse, I lost my accordion too, and I had one quote for about $500 and he took that one. So life goes on.

If I ever lose my CD collection I'll just stop collecting all together as I would be hooped. However, over the last two years I've burned it all to an external drive, and have about a half terrabyte of music. Makes for fun on shuffle. lol

Why tell you all this?

Why not.

I don't post all that often. Consider it a gift.

PS, I still think that FS is one of the most beautifully cool DA albums of all. Even if it is dated, it's merged with my younger self, and through the power of nostalgia has taken on a life of it's own. It's bookended with DFBB it's weirder cooler cousin. Can't think of one, without the other.
Thread: What's next?
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 46
Views: 192,344
01-05-2009 17:46 Forum: Upcoming Releases

put up a widget, I'll throw in a twonie.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 653
Views: 1,420,995
12-13-2008 03:04 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Banophernalia's Latest Self Serving Review of a DA Thingy

Wrote this up and realized I'd not uploaded the review. Because I like this album a lot, this isn't the most subjective bit I've written ...
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 653
Views: 1,420,995
11-30-2008 00:57 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I bought it here. It came without any troubles. And golly boy howdy when
i've had trouble, and there was one order that went way beyond weird, and i'm sure it was beyond the J&E's control, they stood behind it.

Everyone has their preference, and for those who shelled out for the product before, not lining up for thr re-issue and saying they'll look for it used, is fair comment. Probably not the one you want in the midst of celebrating the release, but it is what it is.

And as DW stated so well. It is better than it was when it was new. Hats off to the team who remastered. It's what we should have heard 20 years ago.
Thread: How did you "discover" DA?
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 20
Views: 56,740
11-24-2008 18:10 Forum: General Discussion

For me it goes back to the one two punch of HD, and Alarma. I cut my teeth on HD and to this day it is one of my favourite albums - however, it was Alarma that really got me hooked deep. I remember being sprawlled ( I can really take up space) out in my room with the gatefold open, and the liner notes and story trying to puzzle it out. Over the years the Chronicles better, but the collected story remained disconnected until the bookset brought it all together.

The next great one two punch came with FS, and then DFBB which took art and rock to another level.

Of course I'm not alone here - most of us are pretty hardcore musicologiests after a fashion, and we play connect the dots, as such I have a lot of related artists whose names I'd read in the credits somewhere.

To this day I still pick things up because of word and name association. Heck without DA, I'd have saved a lot of money.

Thanks Terry,

Thanks a lot.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 653
Views: 1,420,995
06-03-2008 18:13 Forum: Upcoming Releases

from the bathroom-phernalia site.

Probably one of the more ignored watershed moments for the band. Elaborately produced, and chock full of some of their best songs ever. You want a list? Take your pick from the 10 tracks. The songs are a great mix of the absurd to the straight and narrow pop tune. As much as I go on about Jerry's guitar playing, there's no way he could have pulled off this one. I love his playing, but DFBB is built on the interplay between Greg Flesch and Tim Chandler. This is the one that truly made Greg not just the replacement guitar player in my mind (wait, I felt that way about Fearful Symmetry too).

So what happened with all this brilliance? Gold and Platinum accolades? Nope - can you say Stiffed? Yup, this one fell flatter than the Tuxedo Clad Megastar singing the National Anthem (I had to find a way to throw in at least one the Tuxedo Clad Megastar reference on this page). This of course is one of the great travesties of this or any other century (holy crap, am I ever waxing maudlin today. Hopefully I'll proof read this and edit out all this nonsense).

I bought it new in 1987 and I played this pretty much nonstop for about three years. It's that good.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 653
Views: 1,420,995
05-28-2008 13:35 Forum: Upcoming Releases

So what I'm hearing here is: Jerry is the celebrated Mr. Daniel Amos and his departure precipitated a name change, sort of like when Bachman-Turner Overdrive had to abbreviate to BTO once there were no longer any Bachmans in the group.

Lol, the only Bachman that wasn't in the group was Randy (not counting Tim). Robin and Fred never left - Robin owned the BTO logo, Randy owned the name.

DFBB, I'll have to think about this - I'm no longer the completist I was...
Thread: Unsuccessful Dutch Missionary
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 11
Views: 17,031
04-09-2008 00:21 Forum: General Discussion

illegal file sharing alert. AWHOOGA AWHOOGA. J&E are gonna kick yer arses
Thread: music you think Terry is listening to!
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 26
Views: 38,128
04-03-2008 13:43 Forum: General Discussion

I think Terry listens to his own stuff
Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 338
Views: 826,371
03-31-2008 22:12 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Might I suggest a viewing of Monty Python's "Meaning of Life"
Thread: re-release music question
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 52
Views: 157,218
03-14-2008 18:36 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Jerry said "Fart" my day is complete.
Thread: best Lost Dogs album???
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 94
Views: 144,034
03-14-2008 12:17 Forum: General Discussion

I'm with Dennis, "Mexico" is a brilliant song.
Thread: your own DA best-of
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 26
Views: 60,107
03-13-2008 23:21 Forum: General Discussion

For me just about everything after shotgun angel was so much noise. I've been unable to return my discs. My favourite song was "Meal" except for the sound effects.
Thread: re-release music question
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 52
Views: 157,218
03-12-2008 22:38 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Dennis, stranger things happen. Over the course of many months I digitized my collection. Takes up just about half a terrabyte of space now, but dang I can play anything I have anytime and not have to look in the dungeon. I don't have a ipod, but I do have a small mp3 player that'll hold a couple of albums worth of songs to get me to and from work.

I've found that I'm more agreeable to digital downloads now than I had been. I am still a sucker for good liner notes, and a cover - but I find as often as not even the CDs I get have crappy credits in them so the stuff I look for in the booklet I can't find anyway.

To Jiminy's comment, for most artists whose work is out of print, and can't be found I am not above "borrowing" a copy for myself. To me it's no different than ebay or a used record store. The artist doesn't see that money either. Same difference.

Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 338
Views: 826,371
03-05-2008 12:47 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

I think Jason is sexy. I like him best. Do you use head and shoulders?
Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 338
Views: 826,371
03-03-2008 18:19 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

I'm not it's so much missing the point, and a matter or perspective. I thought it was deliciously "evil" but as one who was not paying attention close attention to the ongoing saga, those who were called on it - found themselves on the pointy end of the Eddy stick, and didn't like it. I'm not the only one to "not get" it to some degree. Still, many a truth is said in jest.

<my edit>
Anyways - it was not my intent to pull off the scab and rehash this all again. Those were my thoughts on the album, and that's all there are.
Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 338
Views: 826,371
my two scents from the toilet bowl 03-03-2008 12:27 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Nearly twenty years after Let's Spin, The Swirling Eddies return with one of their most musically accessible albums. This was an album I had pre-ordered a couple of years before it was released, and it seemed as if it would be a race to see which came first the rapture of the news Eddies album. To be honest I'd just about written this off as a learning experience - then it arrived. I have to admit that after a few cursory listens I was pretty happy with this album but then it got lost in the pile of other stuff that crossed my desk. Then as I was thinking about the most anticipated albums of 2007 this one came to mind. So I dug it out of the library to give it another spin.

The Eddies have always been an odd side project - each album is different. The sound this time out is a bit of Buechner's era DA, with elements of Lost Dogs, and Terry's Imaginarium mushed together. It's an odd mix that feels natural. The songs have a looseness to them that feels like a comfortable old shoe. Musically and lyrically Terry is in top form. The songs here are cover a lot of ground. "Snow in a Can" is a nice bookend to "Snowball" from the debut.

The only real head scratcher here is the strangely vindictive "Medley of Our Hit" - which seems oddly out of character for Terry, but is perhaps right on the money for Camarillo. It's not everyday Terry flips his listeners the bird. There was a flap over the pre-orders and I'm guessing some of the "executive producers" weren't happy with the timeliness of the release. Whatever the reason, the song is a long sour note, and frankly the anger in the song surprised me. It actually takes away from an otherwise excellent album. Still this is the Eddies, and if Sacred Cows is a barometer for anything, it's that the band pulls no punches and funny is funny unless the barbs are aimed at you.

The album is a worthy addition to the Eddies catalog and showcases a bunch of old farts who are more full of Mountain Dew and vinegar than most of today's angry young men. There's nothing in the world like an angry old man who has nothing to prove, but keeps going on principle.

If this is truly the swansong alluded to on "This Is The Title - The Old Hitchhiker" then the Eddies went out on their terms.
Thread: R.I.P. Larry Norman
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 116
Views: 185,011
02-26-2008 21:41 Forum: General Discussion

Larry Norman passed away February 24, ten days after Valentine's day. For a man who lived his life with the heart of a lion, in the end it was his heart that couldn't sustain the man. I can't think about music in my life, and not think of Larry. His impact on me was disproportionate to the music he made. Sure he released about a hundred albums - but for me he was defined by two songs that were an integral part of my youth. "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music" and "The Rock that Doesn't Roll."

Of course over the years I would pick up a couple dozen albums, (and later a lot of CDs) he was an artist who for me was captured in amber. He was synonymous with the early Jesus Movement, and his music was the soundtrack to a generation of disenfranchised and rebellious youth. His music wasn't safe, his observations were cutting, and he was brutally uncompromising.

As Larry's heyday came to a close, the 80's, 90's, and even the first half of the new millennium saw Larry active, but to me he was a man whose time had come, and gone. He was still an amazing performer live, but it was nostalgia - he was no longer a relevant force in music for me. He managed to package, and repackage his stuff in so many ways that I lost track of what I had, and finally had to say "uncle" I just couldn't keep up.

Despite reading about Larry's deteriorating health, I couldn't help but think that he was exaggerating the truth a little - after all he'd been dying since 1992 or so, and from a distance it seemed like another Larryism. He'd be around forever and this was just another part of the enigma that was Larry Norman.

When I first read about Larry's passing it came as a shock to me. Larry dead? Really? Are you sure this isn't just another part of the mystery? It wouldn't surprise me if he'd just gone underground for a while to look for Bruce Lee, Elvis, and Jim Morrison.

Larry called it years and years ago: "This world is not my home."

To Charles and the rest of the solid rock folks - he was a hell of a guy. He changed a lot of lives with his music. Mine included. One day get a chance to say "thank you" in person.
Thread: Website Email
Jevon the Tall

Replies: 2
Views: 12,425
02-25-2008 17:29 Forum: General Discussion

I've tried using them, and they got bounced back.
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