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Showing posts 1 to 11 of 11 results
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Thread: Terry's funniest lines

Replies: 40
Views: 63,837
May I add my 2 cents? 07-09-2002 21:44 Forum: General Discussion

I like all your thoughts, here are mine.

Our Night to Howl, Time To Go Dancing

The cows come home
when I see you in your moo-moo
You're the apple in my strudel,
The kit in my kaboodle

and of course

We'll teach those young punks
Just what class is
Honey, you still
Fog my glasses


Midgets dressed up as Peter and Paul
a Christian rock band by the wailing wall
that Goliath guy makes us feel so small!
takes a half an hour just to see it all
It's Bibleland
A river of life and a pit of doom
Noah's arcade and an upper room
Canoes cross the Jordan, there's an empty tomb
and three shows daily starring Debby Boone
in Bibleland

Instruction Through Film

Narrator on film:
Tom knows that proper grooming
is the by-product of a healthy attitude and high
moral fiber. Tom likes people, and people like Tom."

Lil' Bonus Room

So, show me to your pets, or show me to your pals.
You really will impress every nifty guy and gal.
Show them you are individual, show them you are BOLD!
Besides, I get residuals for every game that's sold.

and one from Jerry

Little crosses- It's such a wonderful world
I'm so lucky- I get a little cross with my girl

Thread: Hey, what's Carl doing here?

Replies: 1
Views: 13,302
Hey, what's Carl doing here? 04-08-2002 09:50 Forum: General Discussion

I thought you were staying on the other board?

It's boring here without you.


Thread: My Mom

Replies: 19
Views: 44,247
Awesome 03-22-2002 09:59 Forum: General Discussion

Good and bad news. I'll pray for your Mom and Step-dad.

I was wondering how Jonny and his wife were doing. That's great to hear. A girls the next best thing to a boy!!

Thread: My Kind of Top 5

Replies: 26
Views: 51,698
Not a chance 03-21-2002 11:00 Forum: General Discussion

Waldo versus Woggy: WHERE'S WALDO?

If your fists are as fast as your wit, I'd be a fool to try and take you on. :o)

Thread: HEY! Here's sup'm I don't like about the new board

Replies: 18
Views: 32,339
Da, sure sure 03-19-2002 17:29 Forum: General Discussion

Everyone always blames the Germans, clearly it's France's fault!

Waldo Von Waldorf
Thread: My Kind of Top 5

Replies: 26
Views: 51,698
Arrgh, I forgot! 03-19-2002 16:22 Forum: General Discussion

I was going to put a pee wee and a Kiwi, but I had Andrew fighting Gary Coleman. (wouldn't want anyone getting punched by Paul Ruebens, you don't know where that hand has been.)

Good ones again Jc

Thread: Die-hard fan apparel/JPUSA 2k2?

Replies: 5
Views: 24,810
Less gas 03-19-2002 12:37 Forum: General Discussion

For 6 plus hours in the car, 'less gas' is a must! Good luck!

Thread: My Kind of Top 5

Replies: 26
Views: 51,698
Good Ones 03-19-2002 12:34 Forum: General Discussion

You could get Terri. Mike and Derri all in the ring.
Of course it would be a
Doggy Pile!

OR you could throw my Sis in the first ring to have
Woggy and the Doggies!
anyway- You beat me on all counts

Good ones JimINy (or do we have to call you Jc now)

What if you took on Buddy Holly's back-up band then we'd have so CriCkets on the ticket!

Thread: My Kind of Top 5

Replies: 26
Views: 51,698
My Kind of Top 5 03-19-2002 10:07 Forum: General Discussion

Last week Fox had a show with celebrity boxing. I missed it because I've given up sensationalistic crap for Lent. It got me thinking about boxing (wrestling) matches I'd like to see. So here's my top 5:

5 Uncle Ralph vs Rev. Tucker - "Push comes to shove for Aunt Betty's love."

4 David Schwimmer vs Jevon the Tall - "The schmuck and the Canuck."

3 the Tuxedo Clad Megastar vs Louie Anderson - "The battle of the bossoms."

2 Carl vs Boy George (in Germany) - "Two eunichs in Munich."

1 Gus BenJava vs Mr. T. vs Waldo - "Coffee, Tea or Me." (of course)

Any other dream matches?


PS Oops, I should have put this on the other side. Sorry!!
Thread: Setting up a profile

Replies: 17
Views: 30,812
Boy You Texans is Smart 03-18-2002 13:02 Forum: General Discussion

I'm beginning to like this new board!

Thread: First Post

Replies: 169
Views: 225,464
I'm still Waldo 03-15-2002 14:21 Forum: General Discussion

But then again I'm not really Waldo at all.
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