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Showing posts 1 to 13 of 13 results
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Thread: Catscratch music
Jeff Vaughn

Replies: 72
Views: 117,768
11-09-2005 12:14 Forum: General Discussion

Canadians are nutty.
Thread: Reviews Wanted!
Jeff Vaughn

Replies: 18
Views: 74,544
Island Dreams 11-08-2005 12:24 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

(slowly catching up with my summer backlog) reprinted with permission of the author:

Island Dreams (©2005 Fools of the World) ***
“Terry and Derri ditch Mike and go to the islands”

Island Dreams is not your typical Lost Dogs album – it’s a little bit of Daydream by Roe and Harmon, and a Day without Pain by Enya. Maybe the guys should have put this out under a pseudonym: Perhaps a play on the 7&7iS moniker: LostDoGiS, LDiS, or perhaps DOGiS. Mutt was already taken … Palm Warmers would be offensive (but in keeping with the tropical theme – kind of), and The Electric Hair Dryers could possibly invite legal action from Jeff Lynn. So the guys took the easy way out and labeled it with their customary name and proceeded to toss a quick one to their waiting fans just in time for their summer tour. After all what good is a tour without product to flog?

What makes this fun is that it is such a departure from the American rocks roots of the last few albums. This is truly a right angle turn for the dynamic trio. No it’s not the harbinger of a new direction. It’s a casual one off that filled a void, and added another title to their discography. No doubt there’s a real story behind the scenes on this one (I’ve heard snippets from various sources, but since The Dogs aren’t talking, neither am I. Let’s just say I received a significant “love offering” from everyone’s favourite tuxedo clad megastar to keep quiet), but it’s nowhere near as clever as the musings by Terry which are just about the funniest liner notes I’ve ever read. They’re almost worth the price of the disc just to get the notes.

There are a couple of wonderful tracks “Escape to Paradise” and “Lovers’ Lanai”. The rest aren’t much more than quiet mellow breezy instrumentals with the occasional vocal la la la bits by Christine Glass Byrd which are at time beautiful and a little annoying. Overall this is good clean fun, and stands on it’s own as light background music. Heck, I’d bet that Jimmy Buffett would waste away listening to this. Who knows, maybe he could get Warren to finance their next album.

Everyone is allowed to take a vacation now and again. The guys did theirs with a soundtrack.

Reviewed November 8, 2005
Thread: Reviews
Jeff Vaughn

Replies: 1
Views: 36,676
11-03-2005 15:17 Forum: Larry - Lucy I'm In Love


HAH this one is funny. It has the word fart in it!
Thread: I think I'm losing Knowledge & Innocence
Jeff Vaughn

Replies: 16
Views: 19,735
10-25-2005 10:22 Forum: General Discussion

Barnabas? I liked their first album when they were pre-spandex. Man that chick made Wendy Kaiser sound like a singer.
Thread: My Space
Jeff Vaughn

Replies: 68
Views: 93,755
09-26-2005 15:01 Forum: General Discussion

I just work the glutes baby.
Thread: My Space
Jeff Vaughn

Replies: 68
Views: 93,755
09-23-2005 17:37 Forum: General Discussion

Hey Jerry ya big boob, howarya!
Thread: Larry Lucy I'm In Love
Jeff Vaughn

Replies: 35
Views: 152,845
09-15-2005 17:40 Forum: Larry - Lucy I'm In Love

Hey guys, it's Jevon. I did send my review to Marty, and he's pulling some bits out for the CD baby page. I've been brutal about getting it posted, as I'm in the midst of a terrible work thing at the moment. But I'm hoping to get some of my stuff caught up this weekend.

I seldom do DVDs (because I'm lazy), but the MBD one is like watching an entertaining home movie. The guys still have it.

PS ... you mean you send out review copies? Hmmm... nah - I'll support the band. You don't release that much new product. Larry Norman on the other hand - I could use a discount ...
Thread: Larry Lucy I'm In Love
Jeff Vaughn

Replies: 35
Views: 152,845
09-15-2005 16:49 Forum: Larry - Lucy I'm In Love

You'll enjoy it I'm sure. Marty is a very approachable person. I think he's trying get more avenues to distribute the disc. CD baby should have it soon.
Thread: Vinyl Thoughts
Jeff Vaughn

Replies: 37
Views: 51,548
09-15-2005 16:29 Forum: General Discussion

I too wouldn't be interested in the vinyl. It's cool to be retro, they should just break down and make 12in CDs. That way we could get big art again. Remember the double fold outs!
Thread: Larry Norman DONATION CD
Jeff Vaughn

Replies: 22
Views: 40,155
09-15-2005 16:26 Forum: General Discussion

That Larry!
Thread: Catscratch music
Jeff Vaughn

Replies: 72
Views: 117,768
09-15-2005 16:26 Forum: General Discussion

Nuge freaking rocks! Oooooooooh wang dang!

The cartoon is purdy funny too. Saw a couple of episodes over the summer when I was staying at a place with cable. It tries almost too hard. It's a bit like Ren and Stimpy meets Pinky and the Brain. I'm not sure if it has legs, but time will tell.

If Paul Anka could put his kids through school with the Tonight Show theme, maybe the residuals will help Terry take the kids to the pool.
Thread: Rice Paper Wings
Jeff Vaughn

Replies: 21
Views: 35,369
02-04-2005 11:13 Forum: General Discussion

I'm with Dorf, I just play ... I let the drummer worry about timing.
Thread: DA bus
Jeff Vaughn

Replies: 51
Views: 70,647
01-28-2005 13:53 Forum: General Discussion

Wow, Tim Chandler as I live and breathe!

That's a funny story ... and wellm funny. Did you guys paint the bus up with all sorts of pretty geometric designs and stuff?

Speaking of which, have you guys ever considered doing an album of one hit wonders pop bubble gum covers.

Sugar Sugar - The Archies
I Think I Love You - The Partridge Family
Wild Thing - The Troggs
Maniac - Michael Sambello
I Think We're Alone Now - Tiffany
Like a Virgin - Madonna
Lilli Lou - TST

and of course, Stairway to Heaven

Just a thought. Cigars ... dude, you must be a Henessey man too then.
Showing posts 1 to 13 of 13 results

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