Audiori J

Registration Date: 11-27-2004
Posts: 7,730
Location: "Clowns to the left of me! Jokers to the right! Here I AM stuck in the middle with you." - Stealers Wheel
Not trying to make excuses, but Eric has a LOT going on this week with the kickstarter and his wedding. He will get back to you. The site gets tons of email, so it can take some time to go through it. Plus the board here was down for several weeks.
Be sure and give him as much information about the order as possible (in the email, not in this public forum), it can help in looking up the order to see if there was an issue.
Typically the main issues we've had were orders that were shipped but were lost in the mail, used to have a huge problem with customs on international shipping. People's cards not going through or checks bouncing. And occasionally the credit processing system has a hiccup and charges someone and they don't send us the email invoice we use to fill the orders. In that case we can manually go in the system and look it up with detailed information.
Occasionally people will write asking questions about an order but they just say something like "Can you tell my if my order shipped? Dave" If you have the order number, the date, what you ordered, the total amount and your full name it really helps in finding it.
__________________ “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11