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Showing posts 1 to 13 of 13 results
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Thread: Mutt Has Arrived In Missouri!!!

Replies: 48
Views: 72,167
RE: shipping is weird... 07-15-2004 11:43 Forum: General Discussion

I got mine 3 days after I ordered it!

Thread: What the critics think.....

Replies: 33
Views: 43,293
RE: What the critics think..... 07-15-2004 11:41 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Mountain Fan
PLEASE, SAY IT ISN'T SO (the first in a series to mine the back catalog). Mutt is OK and all, but I think most fans don't want the back catalog mined. Maybe just reissued. I think what would be most helpful is normal-length, original tunes with a mix of tempos and styles but still staying Dogs-like. It will become harder and harder for me to continue to purchase Dogs CDs if they continue to rework old tunes (even though I know I would in fact enjoy them).

Who are "most fans"? Did you take a poll or something? Or are you basing this off of a few vocal people on message boards? Roll Eyes

For the most part, I like Mutt. It's cool to hear electric guitar and some sort of drumming on a Dogs record again. I could have done without "Beautiful Scandalous Night" and "Aint Gonna Fight It" being on the CD, but overall I think it's a nice collection of songs. Would have made a better EP though.

Thread: Just Curious

Replies: 43
Views: 79,029
RE: Just Curious 07-08-2004 22:16 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by arcticsunburn
It seems to me the demand issue in itself significantly limits the audience this would appeal to. I can't even get most of you to go listen to the free music up on my band's Website. How in the world would I get you interested in something like this? Tongue Would there be more demand for this if it was a newer album? Is this something that'll just end up on one of my Websites with a Paypal donation button? Would you buy a copy? I'd appreciate y'alls input.

Since you asked for opinions, I wouldn't buy it, but then I don't play anything, so what do I care - but I did listen to the music on your site.

Thread: Any word from Terry???

Replies: 74
Views: 101,070
02-14-2004 10:17 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by jiminy
someones gotta be the John Hinckley here, Jodie.

hinckley in the sense that some of you came close to murdering terry's songs on the tribute? Tongue


ps. not that anyone missed me or anything, but I'm baaaack.
Thread: Lost Dogs DVD rocks

Replies: 138
Views: 147,051
critics suck 09-06-2003 04:19 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Squidzit
The DVD was great J.K.! I loved it, critics are just people who "can't" so they tear into people who "can"

True, so true. I just saw a review of the Lost Dogs DVD over at the Phantom Tollbooth. Basically they say it's pretty good for what it is, but then spend a long paragraph saying all these things that are wrong with it, but then they give it a 4 out of possible 5 rating. Go figure. The really weird thing is that the person who did the review (who I think is on the DADL, 77's list, or Lost Dogs list) basically took the stuff that Peter complained about and simply rehashed it in her review. Nice, nothing like plagiarizing an already bad review to try to lend another semi-bad review some "credibility". Honestly though, the most ridiculous, and telling sign that the critic that wrote the review probably doesn't have a clue is that she refers to John Thompson as the author of "Dances With Wolves", when in fact John Thompson was/is the author of "RAISED by Wolves". Duh.

The review is here:


Since there doesn't seem to be any real standard for critics or who writes and who doesn't for their website, I say we do the band and the DVD a favor and write our own reviews and submit them. Most of all their other projects have 3 or more reviews by different people, so lets give this DVD the push it deserves. I bet the band would appreciate it, and I imagine Jeffrey K. would too. I checked the website, and the address to submit feedback is here:


So who's with me?

Thread: DAconomics

Replies: 175
Views: 207,864
05-17-2003 11:41 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Michelle
Originally posted by pistolpete
I've ordered all the recent releases from lo-fidelity. The service is REALLY fast and it supports the band. I realize some people think that the only way you can support the band is from buyng directly from the bands web-stores, but that is really not true. Buying from the label (in this case) also means that they can put more stuff out. Just an added thought to the whole discussion.

Peter Anderson

Good point. I hope everyone will buy from lo-fidelity as well, but somehow Terry and company need to generate enough money to pay costs beyond CD production and distribution, such as rent, food, clothes, medical care, etc. There are production expenses and then there are living expenses. With such a small fan base it's extremely difficult to make enough profit to live on.

I'm not sure if this is what you meant, but your post makes it seem as if your impression is that with the label all the band made was money for "CD production and distribution". Is that what you meant? That sort of defeats the purpose of a label if thats the case.

Thread: DAconomics

Replies: 175
Views: 207,864
05-16-2003 11:41 Forum: General Discussion

I've ordered all the recent releases from lo-fidelity. The service is REALLY fast and it supports the band. I realize some people think that the only way you can support the band is from buyng directly from the bands web-stores, but that is really not true. Buying from the label (in this case) also means that they can put more stuff out. Just an added thought to the whole discussion.

Peter Anderson
Thread: Band inspiration from DA

Replies: 17
Views: 16,503
cool.. 01-27-2003 00:30 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by dorfsmith
I see Big Grin Sediment is a compilation CD of unknown artists that I am going to put out about twice a year. Several people from these boards have/plan to submit songs. A lot of homemade recordings with a few Studio songs in the mix. I have a whole thread in the off topic section with many more details if you are interested.

cool...I'll check it out.


Thread: Band inspiration from DA

Replies: 17
Views: 16,503
sloppy is one thing... 01-27-2003 00:16 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by dorfsmith
Raw unprofessional music is my specialty. I make it and with Sediment I will be trying to get it out there. I love quality music like DA but I also like the sloppy sounds of Havalina Rail Co, The Vines and many many others...not to mention The Radiant Dregs Big Grin

I'm not talking sloppy like Havalina, I'm talking sloppy like as in not good playing... People forget that Havalina and Vines can actually play their stuff...and play it well. Wilco is sloppy. Ragged is state of mind...playing bad is just playing bad. Trust me, this wasn't like Havalina or what you are hinting at.

What is Sediment?

Thread: Band inspiration from DA

Replies: 17
Views: 16,503
to each his own... 01-27-2003 00:01 Forum: General Discussion

I've heard this band before...and I really can't agree that they are "really, really, good". Saw them play last year, and while they seem like very nice, sincere guys, they really don't have a solid grasp on those 9 instruments they all play...really sloppy playing and off key singing....like a bad Violent Femmes cover band! Who knows though, with time they could be great. This isn't meant to be mean either...just an opinion of someone who is tired of hearing how great all these new "indie" bands are only to hear them and find out they are just sloppy or "quirky" or whatever...just not that good. Dr. Love said it best a few years ago...bands today would NEVER have made it years ago when being a musician counted for something. But to each his own I suppose...

Thread: A little late but not too late

Replies: 42
Views: 47,607
settle? 01-08-2003 10:01 Forum: General Discussion

[QUOTE]Originally posted by EdHead

I really wanted pick it up then, but had to settle for grabbing it later at lo-fidelity. Tongue

Do you really feel you had to settle by buying it from the label? (Didn't they pay Derri to put it out?) Just curious...you may be joking or whatever, but sometimes I wonder if people are not buying from labels like lo-fidelity simply because of how bad M8 was. Any thoughts?


Replies: 36
Views: 46,126
NEW TERRY CHRISTMAS EP!!!! 11-25-2002 16:41 Forum: General Discussion

I was just over at the lo-fidelity site and saw that Terry has a NEW Christmas EP coming out. Only 500 copies too! Look here:


Man...now I have more things to buy!

Thread: Listen you Dogs fans...

Replies: 29
Views: 33,527
BD DVD? 10-29-2002 21:41 Forum: General Discussion

Hey...what is the BD DVD? Where can I get it?

Showing posts 1 to 13 of 13 results

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